Shen Ning immediately ran out and checked every room.

 The entire second floor was quiet, not a single person was seen.

 She called downstairs.

“Sister Wang, get up and down immediately.”

 Sister Wang ran up in a hurry.

 “Young lady, what’s wrong?”

“Sister Wang, has anyone been to our house recently?”

Sister Wang thought for a moment and shook her head: "Except for my cousin and Professor Ji, no outsiders have been here."

"So there is a thief in our house." A cold look flashed in Shen Ning's eyes.

“Young lady, have you lost something?” Sister Wang already understood something and immediately asked nervously.

  Shen Ning opened the closet and explained the situation.

 Sister Wang was shocked.

“Sister Wang, go check and see who has come into my room recently.” Shen Ning ordered.

Several times she felt like someone had come into her room. She didn't take it seriously at first and just thought it was the nannies coming in to clean her, but now it seems that it is definitely not that simple.

“Okay, I’m going to check right now. It seems like there’s really a thief in the house.” Sister Wang went down in a panic.

Shen Ning tidied up her room. When she went out, she thought about it and locked the door before walking towards the garden.

 Four thirty in the afternoon.

 Coco, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao and Lan Lan are back from kindergarten.

When Shen Ning went down, all four children were sitting quietly on the sofa. No one called her mommy. They all had their heads lowered. The breath on their bodies was dull and light. Even Xiaoxiao just looked up secretly when he saw her. He glanced at her, the coldness and warning in his eyes obvious.

  She suddenly felt suffocated, as if the whole air was filled with a dull smell.

 Took the children to eat afternoon cakes and then went upstairs.

 In recent days, her head has become more and more painful.

 It’s half past five in the afternoon. Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao were sitting and playing together, while Lan Lan was reading comic books by herself.

 Shen Mei walked in swaggeringly.

“Mommy.” Lan Lan saw the jade ring on Shen Mei’s arm and immediately jumped up and ran towards her.

"Lan Lan is good." Shen Mei put Lan Lan aside and looked at the three little guys playing together, with a cold look in her eyes.

 Sure enough

 These three little guys often played together and neglected her daughter.

 “What are you playing at?” She walked over.

Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao each held some cartoons in their hands. After hearing Shen Mei's question, they all looked up at her, with a gleam of fear in their eyes.

“Mommy, I want to play too.” Lan Lan put her arms around Shen Mei’s neck and deliberately whispered in her ear.

  She just wanted to see Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao being taken care of by their mother.

 “Playing games.” Coco answered.

"Why don't you play games with Lan Lan? Why are you leaving her aside? Have you turned a deaf ear to everything Mommy told you?" Shen Mei's tone was stern.

 The three little guys lowered their heads and said nothing. If they were asked to play with Lan Lan, they might as well not play at all.

 Lanlan has never been good at playing games, she only knows how to play games and change the rules arbitrarily.

“Lan Lan, go over and play with them.” Shen Mei commanded forcefully.

"Okay." Lan Lan immediately walked over happily and pushed Xiaoxiao aside.

Xiao Xiao sat aggrievedly, with an unhappy look on his face.

Shen Mei sat down next to them and stared at them eagerly.

 She wanted to see who dared not to have fun with Lan Lan.

"Hurry up and play." After a while, Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao stopped moving after Lan Lan forcefully squeezed in. They just sat with their heads down. Shen Mei became impatient and ordered loudly.

Ding Ding’s face was flushed, and his heart was full of depression.

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