"Then let's play." Keke is more sensible. He doesn't want mommy to be sad. After all, he saw grandma's dissatisfaction with mommy yesterday, and he also feels that mommy is most likely doing this to please grandma and for their sake.

 He began to collect all the cartoons, shuffled them and distributed them to the four of them.

Originally, it doesn’t matter how many people participate in this game. The more people, the more fun it is, but the prerequisite is that the rules must be followed.

But not long after, Lan Lan saw that the cartoons in her hands were getting less and less, and she was about to lose, and she was unhappy.

"No, this is mine, I can eat yours." After a new round of comparison, Lanlan obviously lost, but she insisted on saying that she had won, and took away many cartoons at once.

 And these cartoons are just small.

 As soon as she took it away, Xiaoxiao became unhappy.

"Obviously you lost, you can't take it away." Xiaoxiao was very angry. In the eyes of children, justice and rules are the fun of playing.

"I said I won, I won." Lan Lan retorted forcefully and even pushed Xiao Xiao a little.

Xiaoxiao sat on the ground pouting and glanced at Shen Ning timidly, not daring to say anything in anger.

 She still hoped that Mommy could uphold justice for them.

"Lan Lan won." But Shen Mei immediately interrupted forcefully, "Lan Lan wins if she says she can win. She can do whatever she wants. She can play whatever she wants. You must all listen to her. .”

When the three little ones heard this, they all lowered their heads in boredom and did not dare to refute.

Lan Lan raised her head proudly, she was so wonderful with her mommy here.

"You three remember, no matter what you play in the future, you must call Lan Lan, listen to her in everything, and give her good things. If she is bullied by bad people, you all have to help her, she is the real Little princess." Shen Mei lectured her a few more times before getting up and walking upstairs.

 She has important things to do when she comes back today.

Soon, she took out a stack of receipts and other things from Lanlan's bedroom and walked outside, directly to the property management office next to it.

“Hello, Madam.” Butler Luo was working in the office and immediately came out when he saw her.

"Hello, Butler Luo." Shen Mei smiled and tried to be polite, "I'm here for something. These accounts are the children's recent expenses. You stamp them and I'll ask the finance department to reimburse them to me."

 She handed a stack of accounts to Butler Luo.

Steward Luo immediately took it with both hands.

Li Zhenting once ordered that as long as Shen Ning wanted something, he would do it.

Moreover, the children were hospitalized during this period and Li Zhenting was not at home. It was normal to have expenses. With Shen Ning's status, no one could stop him.


 When he got the invoice data, he secretly took a breath.

There were as many as three hundred thousand.

 This number is already huge!

Li Zhenting has been on a business trip for less than a week!

But Shen Ning was looking at him with majestic eyes, and he couldn't say anything. After all, everyone here belonged to the Li family, and he was just an outsider.

 At that moment, he stamped it and immediately sent it back to Shen Mei.

Shen Mei got the finance, and the finance department quickly transferred more than 300,000 yuan into her bank card.

 When she walked out of the property management gate, she had a smile on her face.

The identity of Young Madam Li is so valuable. She really admires her mother Lan Feiyun for her high means! Getting so much money so easily.

It seems that as long as you have Shen Ning's identity, many things will be easy to handle.

 Their goal should be easily achieved.

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