After having breakfast, Shen Ning felt a little sleepy, yawned and went upstairs.

As soon as I walked into the baby's room, I was yawning so much that I couldn't even open my eyes.

 She had no choice but to look at Xixi and Beibei and then returned to the bedroom.

 As soon as he returned to the bedroom, he fell on the big bed and fell asleep.

Shen Mei was sitting in front of the dressing table, trimming her nails. After a while, she saw Shen Ning lying on the big bed, with a cold smile on her lips.

She stood up, picked up a few contracts, opened the door and walked out loudly.

"Young mistress." Not long after I walked out, I saw the nanny coming upstairs with cleaning tools such as rags and mops. I greeted her politely immediately when I saw her.

"Well, I want to take a rest now. Don't disturb me." She walked to Shen Ning and Li Zhenting's bedroom and ordered.

 “Okay, young lady.” The nanny agreed immediately.

In fact, yesterday, Shen Ning asked Sister Wang to check who had entered her and Li Zhenting's room recently, and then warned them that they were not allowed to enter the young master and young mistress's rooms in the future.

Shen Mei opened the door and walked in boldly.

Shen Ning fell asleep and lay motionless on the bed.

"Hmph, you bitch, you are really a weakling who can't be beaten to death." Shen Mei went in and kicked Shen Ning, then started to open her bag and rummage through it.


She found her ID card, then took out a box of ink pads, grabbed Shen Ning's fingers and pressed her fingerprints one by one.

 Ten minutes later, all procedures were completed.

 Shen Mei left with satisfaction.

Akang is waiting for her outside.

 “How is it? Have the procedures been completed?” Akang asked impatiently.

"Of course, I can accomplish anything if I take action." Shen Mei smiled confidently.

Akang smiled warmly, touched her chest, and hugged her into his arms.

"You have to help me complete all the procedures." Shen Mei handed the contract paper to A'kang. Akang looked at it and said, "Don't worry, all the links have been cleared. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been able to come here to take your fingerprints with these procedures."

 “Thank you, Brother Kang.” Shen Mei smiled delicately.

  A Kang pressed her on the back seat of the car and smiled evilly: "How about we give her a car shock here?"

 “Disgusting.” Shen Meijiao smiled and punched him.

Akang immediately pressed her under him...

Shen Ning slept for a long time before opening her eyes, her head aching.

 She sat up and pressed her fingers to her temples!

 I don’t know what’s going on lately. I always feel sleepy and lack of energy. I also have frequent headaches, which cannot be relieved even after a good night’s sleep.

She felt that she might be sick. As for what the disease was, she didn't know what it was. She was a little panicked, but she didn't show anything in front of the children. She just wanted to wait until Li Zhenting came back and then go to the hospital for a good check-up.

 She went to the nursery to see Xixi and Beibei, and then went downstairs.

 It’s almost time to have lunch, so I have to go and see how the kitchen is preparing.

 Li Wanqing is back and is drinking tea in the living room.

“Mom, you’re back.” Shen Ning immediately greeted her politely.

Li Wanqing looked at Shen Ning: "Are the children okay?"

 “It’s okay, don’t worry.”


Li Wanqing's expression softened somewhat, because Shen Ning didn't go out or date that man these days, and her anger finally calmed down.

 But yesterday I heard from Sister Wang that something was lost at home, especially Xixi and Beibei's gold locks. This surprised her, so she rushed back to take a look.

 But Butler Luo had just reported to her, saying that all the jewelry had been found, and asked her not to worry.

Li Jichun's illness was already very serious. After Li Wanqing told Shen Ning a few words, he left in a hurry.

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