
 Keke, Xiaoxiao and Dingding walked in from outside one after another, each carrying a small schoolbag.

 Lanlan walked at the back.

“The babies are back.” Shen Ning came up to greet them and asked kindly with a smile.

Xiao Xiao and Ding Ding just looked at her and nodded.

Cocoa looked at Lanlan.

Lan Lan glanced at Shen Ning's wrist. There was no jade ring there. It was not her mother, listless and indifferent.

“Mommy has prepared afternoon tea for you, go and eat.” Shen Ning took the children to the bathroom to wash their hands and brought them to the tea restaurant.

 There are many exquisite snacks and fresh milk on the tea table.

 After the children washed their hands, they sat down and enjoyed it quietly.

 After having afternoon tea, Teacher Xiao Li taught them to complete the homework assigned by the kindergarten teacher.

The children were doing their homework quietly, and Shen Ning was also busy.

"Mommy." After they finished their homework, it was almost dark, the door opened, and Shen Mei walked in from the outside. Lan Lan looked up, her eyes were bright, and she quickly shouted and rushed towards her.

 Shen Mei hugged her.

Coco turned to look at them.

Xiaoxiao and Dingding turned around and looked downcast, because Mommy and Lanlan were so close that they didn't even look at them from the corner of their eyes. Even if they rushed to call her, they would be pushed away by her. Because they have tried it, they can only sit there in dismay.

Shen Mei took Lan Lan's hand and walked upstairs.

This time when she came back, she was preparing to reimburse a million-dollar bill. It was learned that Li Jichun's health was getting worse, so she had to act quickly.

Now she returns to Li's Castle every day, but every time she has a purpose. She must get money and property as soon as possible. For the three little guys, Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao, they have been manipulated by her. It was almost over, and she was not in the mood to focus on them anymore.

Shen Ning came out of the baby room and walked towards the elevator. It was time to have dinner soon. If Xixi and Beibei hadn't suddenly made a fuss, she wouldn't have come up.

 The elevator door just opened.

Just as she was about to step in, suddenly, a woman's figure flashed in front of Lanlan's bedroom over there. She was startled, just as the elevator door closed and started to move downwards.

She was stunned for a moment, and immediately pressed the elevator button on the second floor.

After the elevator door opened, she quickly walked out and came to Lan Lan's bedroom door.

 Just now, the woman's figure was shaking here. What surprised her so much was that the woman's back was somewhat similar to hers, and even her clothes were in her style.

“Lanlan, are you there?” She knocked on Lanlan’s door.

 In the room, Lan Lan immediately became nervous.

 “Shh.” Shen Mei raised her index finger towards her, signaling her to be quiet.

 Lanlan looked at the door.

“Lanlan, Lanlan.” Shen Ning knocked on the door again and shouted.

 But there was still no sound inside.

Shen Ning stood outside and frowned.

It seems that Lan Lan is no longer in the room, so where did the woman just now go?

This angle is already a dead end, there is no way she could disappear from here.

After she knocked on the door a few more times and still got no response, Shen Ning thought that after all, the elevator had just taken her to the first floor and then came up again. There was still a slight time lag. Maybe she had gone to another room.


She searched room by room, but found no one in all the rooms, and there was no sign that anyone had been there.

Helping, she had no choice but to walk downstairs.

"Lan Lan, come downstairs quickly, don't say I'm here." Here, as soon as Shen Ning left, Shen Mei pushed Lan Lan out hastily.

Lanlan ran quickly and took the elevator down.

 “Where’s Lan Lan?” Shen Ning came to the dining room and didn’t even see Lan Lan, so she asked immediately.

As soon as Ding Ding and Xiao Xiaojian saw their mother, they only asked Lan Lan and shook their heads. It was obvious that Lan Lan went upstairs with her, but she didn't know, and of course they didn't know either.

Keke sat calmly and said nothing.

“Sister Wang, where has Lan Lan gone?” Shen Ning asked Sister Wang who was bringing the food.

“Young lady, I haven’t seen her for a while. She was still playing in the living room at first.” Sister Wang replied.

Shen Ning frowned.

 At this time, there were footsteps coming from behind, and she turned around.

I saw Lan Lan walking over in her pajamas.

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