“Lanlan, where were you just now?” Shen Ning asked immediately.

   Lan Lan shook her head: "I fell asleep upstairs."

Fell asleep?

Shen Ning narrowed her eyes and then asked, "I knocked on your door just now, didn't you hear me?"

“No.” Lan Lan shook her head and walked directly to the dining table and picked up the chopsticks. “I’m so hungry. Let’s eat quickly.”

The little girl stopped paying attention to Shen Ning and went straight to picking up vegetables to eat.

Shen Ning paused and didn't ask any more questions. After all, it was possible that the little one was asleep and couldn't hear her screams.

 She sat down to eat with the little ones. When she picked up the chopsticks, she saw that her index finger was red and she frowned.

 When she woke up this morning, her index finger turned completely red. Even after washing it for a long time, it was still a little dirty.

This red color is very similar to seal red oil.

 But when did she come into contact with red seal oil?

 It’s so strange.

 She stood up and went to the bathroom to wash her fingers. After washing them with soap and water for a long time, they were still not completely clean.

Just as she turned around and walked back to the dining table, she looked up and saw Lan Lan secretly looking at her.

 When she looked at her, she immediately lowered her eyes, and the panic in her eyes was clearly visible.

 Shen Ning's beautiful eyebrows wrinkled again.

 This little girl is so evil!

 She can't figure her out now.

 She felt it was time to have a good talk with her.

 After dinner, Keke avoided Lanlan and pulled Dingding and Xiaoxiao to the bedroom. "Ding Ding, Xiaoxiao, listen, we have two mommies now, one is real and the other is a fake mommy." Coco said in a low voice after taking them to the study.

 Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao’s eyes widened.

"Brother, how come there are two mommies? There is only one mommy." Xiaoxiao didn't understand and immediately shook his head.

"Yes, how could there be a fake mommy? Can the fake mommy look exactly the same as the real mommy?" Ding Ding also expressed disbelief.

“Really, I’m not going to lie to you, I noticed that there must be two mommies.” It can be seen that they didn’t believe it, so they became anxious and gave an example:

"Think about it carefully, is it true that sometimes Mommy is very kind to us and loves us very much, but sometimes, Mommy changes and doesn't like us at all. She only likes Lan Lan and even fights her. What about us."

Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao heard this, thought about it, and nodded.

 “Yes, that’s what Mommy has been like lately.” They all admitted that they were right.

"Also, have you noticed? Sometimes, Lanlan likes Mommy very much, is very close to Mommy, calls her Mommy, and gets stuck with her. But sometimes, she sees Mommy being indifferent. , think about it, is this the case?" Coco reminded again.

"That's true." Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and nodded in approval.

Ding Ding also nodded: "That's right, but mommies are all the same, and you can't conjure up two mommies. Besides, Lan Lan is a psychopath. She likes one now and then the other. She has always been It’s all so uncertain.”

"Well, it's possible." This was also what confused Coco the most. He couldn't figure out what was going on and scratched his head.

"By the way, brother, you and Ding Ding also look exactly the same. Could it be that Mommy also has a sister who looks exactly the same?" At this time, Xiaoxiao suddenly said.

Coco's eyes lit up: "It's very possible."

"But we have never heard mommy say that she has sisters, so this is impossible." Xiaoxiao shook his head.

"Coco, how do you explain that there are two mommies? They are obviously the same person." Ding Ding pondered, "If you think there are two mommies, can you tell which one is the real mommy? Which one is the fake mommy?" What?"

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