"Forget it, no, Zhen Ting will ask the finance department to call me." Shen Mei said coquettishly, tore up all the documents, threw them into the trash can, turned around and left, arrogantly.

Steward Luo looked at her back, feeling surprised.

 No one knows Shen Ning better than him.

 Shen Ning is gentle and courteous, and he is polite and polite. He has never been so arrogant or rude.

At this time, Shen Ning turned out to be arrogant and arrogant, much like Lan Lan.

  Hey, she has really changed. No wonder Sister Wang and the nannies said that the young mistress has changed. She has indeed become amazing.

 It turns out that a person really becomes a completely different person after losing his memory!

 Steward Luo sighed, also lamenting Shen Ning's fate!

"Mommy." But when Shen Mei was walking, she saw Coco, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao and Lan Lan getting out of a business nanny car in front of her. Lan Lan saw her as soon as she got off and immediately called out happily. sound, running towards her.

Shen Mei was in a particularly beautiful mood, so she opened her arms and hugged her.

Coco stopped and looked at them coldly.

 Lan Lan hugged Shen Mei and kissed and shouted at her. It was unusually affectionate. Shen Mei was also smiling all over her face.

 Xiaoxiao and Dingding stood in despair. They also thought that Mommy would treat them like this, but Mommy's eyes did not look at them at all, not even a little bit. She just hugged Lanlan and smiled happily.

"Let's go in quickly." Soon, Shen Mei took Lan Lan's hand and walked towards the living room. At this time, Shen Ning was still upstairs with Xixi and Beibei.

Keke deliberately slowed down and walked behind Shen Ning and Lan Lan.

 Shen Ning and Lan Lan were holding hands and were particularly intimate.

Coco's eyes fell on their clasped hands, and she felt sad.


 Mummy also treated them like this, but now, Mummy seems to be a completely different person. Why?

The weather is very good today, and the sunshine in the afternoon is particularly dazzling


 Coco was attracted by a ray of reflected light.

 It was a soft light, crystal clear.

 He followed the light and saw the jade circle on Shen Ning's wrist. A large and beautiful jade ring, dark green and very eye-catching, was worn on Shen Ning's wrist.

Keke was stunned.

This jade ring is so strange. When did Mommy wear such a jade ring? In my impression, Mommy has never worn one before.

His eyes were fixed on the jade circle. It was not until Shen Mei took Lan Lan's hand upstairs that he stood there thoughtfully.

"Keke, Dingding, Xiaoxiao, have you eaten the pastries?" After a while, the elevator door rang. Shen Ning walked out of the elevator and saw the three little ones, and immediately asked kindly.

Coco raised his eyes to look at her, and soon looked at Shen Ning's wrist.


 There was no jade circle at all on her wrist and she was not wearing anything.

Mummy obviously had a jade ring on her hand when she was holding Lan Lan's hand. Could it be that the one wearing the jade ring just now was a fake mommy, and this one is the real mommy?

This idea made him a little excited.

However, he calmed down and observed carefully.

“Mommy, we haven’t eaten yet, I’m hungry.” Suddenly, he shouted and spoke in a milky voice.

Shen Ning turned around with a gentle and friendly smile on her face.

"Keke, is the food in the kindergarten not to your liking today?" She came up and held his little hand, asking gently.

 “Yes, I don’t like to eat Coke chicken wings.” Coco replied deliberately.

“Hey, don’t you like to eat Coke chicken wings the most?” Shen Ning was very surprised. When she was cooking a few days ago, she asked him what he wanted to eat, and he also said he wanted to eat Coke chicken wings.

Coco thought for a moment, this is a real mommy. She still remembered that she likes to eat Coke chicken wings. In fact, he said that on purpose just now, just to test her.

However, this alone cannot be certain.

He decided to take a closer look. He had already promised Xiaoxiao that Mommy would love them again, so he had to keep his word.

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