After having afternoon tea, Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao were sitting on the sofa in the living room and playing. Shen Ning went upstairs to take care of Xixi and Beibei, replacing the special nurses and letting them have something to eat.

 It didn’t take long.

Lan Lan walked down, and of course Shen Mei was followed behind her.

Coco immediately dropped his eyes on her wrist.

 Sure enough

Shen Mei wears a jade circlet on her wrist.

 Coco’s little face turned red.

 Oh my God, there really are two mommies, one real mommy and one fake mommy.


Even if he was surprised, he did not say anything because his father once said that people who do big things usually have to keep their composure.

 He is a person who does great things! You have to stay calm.

"Lan Lan, you play here, mommy goes to the kitchen to take a look." Shen Mei was already hungry. If Shen Ning hadn't come downstairs, she would have gone downstairs to eat.

"Keke, Dingding, Xiaoxiao, let's play a game." Lan Lan was very excited.

 Because Mommy is here, they all have to play games with her and let her go. They have to give her all the fun and delicious things. She is like a proud little princess. She likes this feeling best.

Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao lowered their heads. They didn’t want to play games with the annoying Lan Lan at all, but she said that if they wanted to play, they had to play with her, otherwise Mommy would be angry.

 They have sad faces.

“Come on, let’s play chicken this time.” Lan Lan took a tablet and gave one tablet to each of Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao.

Cocoa picked up the tablet with an expressionless expression and played with it absentmindedly.

As for Lan Lan, a fool like him, he could win her without playing much, but she could only win, so he was even more casual.

 After a while, the game started.

“You guys have fun, I’m going to the bathroom to pee.” Coco took the tablet and walked directly to the bathroom. Passing by the dining room, he saw mommy sitting there, devouring her food.

Mummy obviously ate a lot of pastries just now, so how could she be hungry so quickly?

This is obviously a fake mommy! But what he couldn't figure out was why this fake mommy looked exactly like her real mommy.

 He vowed to find out about this matter.

"Mommy, don't you like to eat ham? Why do you like it so much? You used to give me ham because I like to eat it." Coco sneaked back from the bathroom and deliberately walked to The fake mommy asked next to her.

Shen Mei was eating a piece of ham sausage when she heard the words.

"I didn't like eating before, but now I do." She could only answer perfunctorily.

 Hmph, you’re lying. In fact, Mommy has always liked eating ham. It was because he didn’t like it that he said that on purpose.

“Mommy, don’t you remember? In fact, I don’t like to eat ham, but you do. Why have you changed?” Coco asked harmlessly with her eyes wide open.

Shen Mei suddenly realized that she might have exposed herself, but she wouldn't care about dealing with a little brat.

"Let's go, let's go play games with Lan Lan, and stay out of adults' affairs." She waved her hand at Coco impatiently, not understanding Coco's intention at all, let alone thinking that a six-year-old kid What ability could she have? She interrupted him rudely immediately and told him to get out of the way so as not to interfere with her eating delicious food.

Coco turned around, a cunning smile flashing in his eyes.

Who is this woman? Why pretend to be your own mother and stay in their house?

 There is probably a conspiracy.

Coco decided not to expose her yet. He wanted to observe her carefully and find her out after confirming that it was true.

 He returned to the living room and continued playing the game.

 After one round, the elevator door opened.

Shen Ning walked out.

Coco looked up and immediately looked at Shen Ning's wrist.

This mommy is not wearing a jade ring on her wrist, so she must be her own mommy!

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