Coco stood up and ran upstairs.

If I remember correctly, the fake mom who was eating pastries just now walked upstairs after finishing her meal. Is she still upstairs?

Now Mommy is down, where is she?

 He ran up.

 The second floor was quiet, with only sounds coming from the baby's room.

 He ran over.

Xixi and Beibei were chattering while two special guards were busy beside them.

Coco searched everywhere and even ran into the bathroom to see if the fake mommy was here.

 But there is none anywhere.

"Keke, have you eaten?" At this time, the two special guards saw him and asked with a smile.

"Not yet, beautiful sister, have you seen a woman upstairs? She looks very much like my mommy." Coco asked sweetly.

 The two special guards laughed when they heard this.

“There is no woman who looks like your mommy. There is no one else but your mommy.” They replied with a smile.

"Okay, thank you." Coco scratched her head, walked out, and started to check room by room. When she found Mommy and Daddy's room, the door was locked. It seemed that Mommy was The door has been closed behind the building, so he must be gone.

 He went to check other rooms again.


 He searched all the rooms and found no one.

Strange thing, is his judgment wrong?

The fake mommy went upstairs. Now that mommy has gone downstairs, there is no one upstairs. This only means that there is no fake mommy at all.

Coco was unsure for a moment and stood leaning against the wall, not knowing what to do.

 After a while, a voice calling for dinner came from downstairs.

 He walked downstairs.

Standing by the elevator, looking at the elevator keys in a daze.

 The elevator door opened just as he was about to enter.


There was a noise in Lan Lan's room next to her. It was the sound of a chair moving on the floor.

 The little guy’s ears perked up.

 No, Lan Lan is playing games downstairs. Why is there any sound in her room?

Just now, he searched all the rooms, but Lan Lan's room couldn't be entered because it was locked. Normally, he rarely went to Lan Lan's room, and he didn't know if the room was usually locked, so he didn't suspect anything.

 Now, the movement inside made him suspicious.

 He turned and walked towards it.

 Soon he put his ear against the door panel.

There was indeed a rustling sound inside, as if someone was eating.

Coco’s eyes widened in shock.

 He stood up and pushed the door, but it was still locked.

 But the sound of his opening the door aroused Shen Mei's alertness inside.

Shen Mei was eating nuts when she suddenly heard the door panel move and quickly looked over cautiously.

  Keke put his ear against the door panel again, holding his breath and concentrating.

This time, there was no movement, it was very quiet inside, and I didn’t hear the sound of anyone eating.

Strange things!

Coco listened for a while, but there was still no sound, so he had to turn around and walk towards the elevator.

Shen Mei waited for a while and heard footsteps outside. They were short and light, not like the sound of an adult walking. She tiptoed to the cat's eye at the door and looked out, but she didn't see anyone.

After waiting for a while, it was quiet outside, so she breathed a sigh of relief and returned to her desk.

 Coco immediately ran to the kitchen after coming down. Mommy was busy and she was indeed not wearing a jade ring on her wrist.

 He walked over.

"Keke, are you hungry? We'll have dinner soon." Shen Ning looked at her son standing next to her and asked kindly.

"Mommy, I'm not hungry." Coco stood next to Mummy, watching her skillfully preparing their favorite food. I remember that in the past, he liked standing next to Mummy and watching her work. It felt very good. Comfortable and cozy, this feeling is all too familiar now.

Shen Ning looked at him and smiled.

 “Mommy.” Coco suddenly hugged her thigh.

Shen Ning was startled and looked down at him.

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