"Keke, what's wrong with your ears?" Shen Ning lowered his head and saw a red mark on his son's ears, as if he had been beaten. She felt distressed and hurriedly stroked his ears and asked.

 Coco’s eye circles were red.

“Mommy, don’t you know?” he looked at her and asked.

 It was Mommy who beat him early that morning. She didn't know, which meant it was a fake Mommy who beat him. That is, Mommy loved them so much, how could she be willing to beat him.

"I don't know, what's going on?" Shen Ning bent down and asked anxiously.

"It's okay, I accidentally touched it." It was ridiculous. He saw the concern in Mommy's eyes, which was the deep love for him from the bottom of her heart.

 It turns out that Mommy has not changed, she is still the same Mommy, it’s just that a bad person pretended to be her.

“Then be careful in the future.” Shen Ning scolded him and touched his ears again before standing up and getting busy again.


"Lan Lan, come down and have breakfast." Shen Mei woke up Lan Lan and sent her down to have breakfast. If she didn't get up, the nanny would come in later.

Lan Lan rubbed her sleepy eyes and went down.

 Today is Saturday, there is no need to go to kindergarten.

After going down, Lan Lan went directly to the dining room and sat down next to Ke Ke, right next to Ke Ke.

This time Coco did not dislike her, but looked at her.

“Lan Lan, are there any mice in your room?” Coco asked.

 “No.” Lan Lan was actually a little flattered.

“Tell you, there must be a big rat in your room.” Coco said very seriously.

 “No.” Lan Lan was also very sure.

Mummy slept with her every night these past few nights. Mummy was also afraid of mice. If there were any, she would have screamed long ago.

Coco sneered: "There are rats in your room. If you don't believe it, look for it carefully. Otherwise, if you are bitten by a rat, you will get plague."

 Lan Lan suddenly seemed to understand the meaning of Ke Ke's words. She felt inexplicably guilty and frightened, and even stopped answering. She just lowered her head and drank the porridge. In the room, Shen Mei took out a draft document.

 This was carefully planned by Lan Feiyun and her.

She wants to transfer Li Zhenting's villa and some related properties to her name. In the past, when she was here, Li Wanqing once said that this place was given to Shen Ning. Shen Ning, that stupid woman, didn't want it. Now she Come and ask for it for her.

 With these assets, she will be able to be Shen Ning for the rest of her life!

 After breakfast, Shen Ning went to the baby's room and she walked down.

 The children were playing in the living room, and she walked around them and headed outside.

"Zhenting, my mother said last time that she wanted to transfer the villa we live in to my name. Does this still count?" She walked to the property management office and started to call Li Zhenting.

Li Zhenting was in a meeting at this time and was a little stunned when he received the call.

Shen Ning would never mention these requirements. How could she suddenly mention them at this time?

 When he called her yesterday, she was still worried about his affairs.

 But of course he took the call from Shen Ning very seriously.

"Of course it counts. As long as you are willing, our Li family's property belongs to you." He walked out with his mobile phone and said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

 “Really?” Shen Mei’s eyes lit up.

“Of course, even I belong to you, let alone the family property.” Li Zhenting smiled.

"Zhen Ting, you are so kind to me." Shen Mei cooed, very happy.

"Yes, who asked me to love you, who asked you to be my wife, all the property in my name belongs to you and the children, you don't have to worry." Li Zhenting said warmly, for Shen Ning, who loves money, he I also like it. After all, Shen Ning never mentioned money in the past and regarded his money as dirt, which also made him unable to find the value of existence.

Shen Mei's heart instantly softened. If only Li Zhenting loved her at that time, it would be great if they got married. In this life, she wouldn't have to worry about money anymore, but it's a pity...

"Then when are you going to transfer the property to my name? You should know that a woman has no sense of security if she doesn't have some property."

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