Coco's sleepiness disappeared and he immediately followed quietly.

Soon, he saw the fake mommy walking towards grandma’s bedroom.

Coco frowned.

What is this bad woman going to do?

 He followed quietly.

But after a while, the fake mommy pushed open grandma's bedroom and locked the door.

 In this way, Keke can’t see anything!

He stood in front of the door with his feet raised, or lay down at the door, unable to see what was going on inside. He was not sure whether this bad woman was harming grandma, or whether grandma invited her here.

 He could only stand outside.

After Shen Mei went in, she looked at Li Wanqing who was sleeping deeply and smiled coldly. She immediately took out the red ink from the document bag and started to grab Li Wanqing's fingers and make fingerprints.

 This is not the first time she has done this, and she is naturally very skilled.

 In less than a moment, she completed all the procedures, took the document bag and walked out.

 The corridor was dark, and all the corridor lights had been turned off when she came.

 She walked out gently.

"Who are you?" Just a few steps after she walked out, she was stopped by a childish voice. She was startled and almost screamed. However, she was very alert and covered her head immediately. He pouted and looked carefully into the darkness.

It took a long time before she could see clearly.

 A little guy was standing in front of her, staring at her warily.

She was startled. Isn't this Keke? How could he be here in the middle of the night?

"Keke, what are you doing here?" She immediately showed off her motherly dignity and asked seriously.

"Who are you?" Coco didn't answer, just stared at her and asked again.

"I am your mommy." Shen Mei's eyes flashed with disgust, and she said fiercely: "Who asked you to come here so late at night? Come on, go upstairs to sleep."

"No, I won't go, you are not my mommy, you are a fake mommy." Coco said loudly. Shen Mei panicked when she heard this. It would be troublesome if she woke anyone up so late at night.

"You are talking in your sleep, I am obviously your mommy, let's go, mommy will take you back to sleep." Shen Mei grabbed Coco's arm and dragged her towards the elevator.

Keke was still young and not strong enough, so Shen Mei dragged her into the living room not long after.


Keke is different now. In the past, he thought Shen Mei was his mommy, and he was mommy's good baby who would not resist mommy. But now, this woman is no longer mommy, she is a fake mommy, so he Will resist.

"Let me go." As soon as he entered the living room, Coco broke free from Shen Mei's control, got out, put on a boxing posture, and stared at her, "Who are you? Why are you exactly the same as my mommy?" ?What bad thing do you want to do?"

Shen Mei was furious: "Keke, I am your mommy, why don't you even listen to mommy?"

"No, you're lying. You're a bad woman." Coco sneered, "I'm going to tell Daddy and ask him to send someone to arrest you."

"You brat, I want to tell your daddy that he doesn't even recognize mommy. Go to bed quickly, or I'll deal with you." Shen Mei sneered and took a wooden stick next to her, her eyes full of ferocity. Guang said, "Let's see how I deal with you, you disobedient little brat."

 After saying that, she picked up the wooden stick and hit Coco **** him.

 But before her wooden stick hit Coco, he nimbly dodged it.

Instead, when she hit Coco again, Coco kicked the wooden stick out of her hand with a sweeping leg.

 Shen Mei was furious, this little **** actually had some skills.

She raised her foot and kicked it towards him.

 Coco jumped and her kick missed.

  Keke struck with another sweeping kick, hitting Shen Mei in the calf.

 “Ouch.” Shen Mei cried out in pain.

Keke didn’t care so much, and kicked him again.

Shen Mei’s other calf was also hit.

She was wearing high heels again, her legs gave out and she fell to the ground.

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