"Keke, you are looking for death, and you even beat mommy." Shen Mei really didn't expect that Keke would be so shrewd and expose her so quickly, but at this time, she couldn't admit it because her purpose had not been achieved yet.

"Hmph, of course I'm going to beat you, you fake mommy." Coco raised her little face, full of righteousness, "I ask you, did you hit me before, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao? You are so bad, I can't spare you for letting us be bullied by that hateful Lan Lan every day."

Shen Mei didn't dare to mess around at this time. She thought about it and decided to change her strategy. She asked kindly: "Keke, how are you sure that I am the fake mommy? How can there be two identical people in this world? You just Aren’t you afraid of wronging Mommy?”

 “This…” Coco was asked.

 He ​​also had this question in his mind, how could this woman look exactly like Mommy? At the moment, he couldn't answer it.

Shen Mei smiled proudly, hmph, he was just a six-year-old kid, she still didn't believe that he couldn't fool him.

"So, Coco, you made a mistake in your judgment. I am your mommy. You even hit mommy. I'm so sad." Shen Mei said as she squeezed out two tears and wiped them with her hands. Very sad look.

"No, you are not, you are not our mommy. You beat me and Ding Ding, Xiaoxiao, and are only good to bad Lanlan. You are simply a bad woman, although I don't know why you look exactly like my mommy. Yes, but I want to report you." Keke said loudly. In order to prove that he was right, he looked at the jade circle on Shen Mei's wrist, pointed at it and said:

“My mommy never wears jade rings, and she doesn’t have them either, but you wear them, which means you are fake.”

Shen Mei was secretly surprised that the little guy Ke Ke had such a strong observation ability. He had seen through this. No wonder he was so convinced.

 It seems that it will be difficult for her to pretend to be their mommy anymore.

"Nonsense, this jade hoop is my latest purchase. Sometimes I wear it and sometimes I don't. You actually don't even want mommy because of this. It's really chilling." Shen Mei held the jade hoop with her fingers. , she was really negligent.

 In my heart, I admire Coco very much. This boy will be really good when he grows up.

"Also, I saw two mommies. The fake mommy wearing a jade ring and the mommy without a jade ring would appear in different places. Sometimes one was upstairs and one was downstairs. Sometimes, the other was There are two people in the baby room and one in the living room, so you can't fool me, huh." Coco affirmed loudly. Shen Mei felt chills on her back at this moment, but this was too smart.

"Keke, you are really wrong." Shen Mei said angrily, "You are still young and don't know how to judge. Please help mommy up quickly. If you hit mommy today, mommy won't blame you. It’s just that Mommy usually favors Lan Lan and doesn’t take into account the feelings of the three of you. But you are all Mommy’s biological children. Lanlan doesn’t have a Mommy. Mommy does this because she is afraid of being criticized by others. I’m sorry, Mommy It hurts you.”

 She played the emotional card again.

Coco was a child after all, so he was a little shaken, but he just looked at her without moving.

"Keke, didn't you say there are two mommies in the house? Then go look for her in mommy's bedroom upstairs and see if she is there. This way you will know if there are two mommies in the house. ." Shen Mei looked at her phone and said again.

Keke thought about it, yes, if there are really two mommies, then the real mommy upstairs must be sleeping right now.

It's okay for him to just go and see it.

"Okay, I'll go take a look, stay here and don't move." Coco ordered her not to move, turned around and ran upstairs.

Shen Ning looked at his back and sneered.

Little bastard, when I finish everything and achieve my goal, I will take care of you, but you still dare to hit me, that’s outrageous!

She snorted coldly, stood up, took the document bag and limped away.

This villa and related properties are in her name, things have been settled, and she can leave with peace of mind for the time being.

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