But Coco ran upstairs and pushed open Mommy and Daddy’s bedroom.

He thought Mommy would be sleeping in the room, but when he pushed away, he was dumbfounded. Mommy was not in the bed.

The bed is empty, where is his mommy?

  Could it be that the one just now was really his mother?

Coco was so startled that she broke into a cold sweat.

If that's the case, that's too bad. He even beat Mommy.

 He was anxious and immediately ran downstairs again.

 But when he came downstairs again, he was shocked again.

The fake mommy downstairs is also missing. I don’t know where she went?

 For a moment, the little guy was stunned.

 He searched up and down the house again, but found nothing, and finally had to go back to sleep.

  After all, I was still young. After a long night of tossing, I felt very sleepy, so I crawled into bed and fell down to sleep.

 When I woke up the next day, it was already broad daylight.

 He got up. Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao had already woken up and went downstairs. He immediately ran downstairs.

 In the kitchen, mommy is still busy.

 Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao were sitting in the dining room, preparing to have breakfast.

“Mommy.” Coco walked to Shen Ning and whispered.

"Keke, wake up, hurry up and sit down at the dining table, breakfast is about to be served." Shen Ning just thought that Keke was hungry, so she immediately ordered.

“Mommy, where did you sleep last night?” Coco asked anxiously, looking at Mommy’s calves.

  If it was really Mommy last night, then he had sinned and hit his own Mommy.

Shen Ning was stunned for a moment. She didn't know why Keke asked this, but she just said: "Xixi kept crying last night, and mommy slept with her in the baby room." Oh, that's it!

 Keke suddenly realized.

If so, then the fake mommy last night was real! So where did she go?

 He walked to the dining table and sat down thoughtfully.

Shen Ning looked at him and smiled.

 Keke felt that he needed to have a serious talk with his mommy, and he wanted to tell her about the fake mommy.

But when Shen Mei returned home in the middle of the night, Lan Feiyun was fast asleep.

 She pushed Lan Feiyun awake.

“Mom, we have secured the villa in Li’s Castle.” She happily raised the document bag in her hand.

Lan Feiyun suddenly opened her eyes and sat up, took the document in her hand and turned it over, and hugged Shen Mei happily.

 “Meimei, you are so amazing.”

Shen Mei smiled: "It's just, Mom, Keke has discovered me, and he knows that I am not his mommy."

 “What’s going on?” Lan Feiyun was surprised.

 So, Shen Mei told everything that happened tonight.

"Okay, this kid is quite smart." Lan Feiyun didn't expect that Coco would be so shrewd and discover the secret so quickly, "Fortunately, we planned these assets for Lan Lan in advance, otherwise, when this kid grows up, It’ll be troublesome later, he won’t give Lan Lan any money.”

"Yes, Mom, it seems that I will have to show up less often in Li's Castle in the future. Also, I can't wear this jade ring anymore." Shen Mei took off the jade ring, "I have to find the mark again in the future, hey. , How could my Lan Lan be so stupid? She can’t even recognize me, otherwise, I wouldn’t have to make any secret codes, she’s such a stupid girl.”

"Don't worry, you don't need to go to Li's Castle for the time being. Next, our target will be the Li's Group. I want you to use Li Zhenting's love for Shen Ning to get 3% of the Li's Group." The shares of Ten will be transferred to your and Lanlan’s names, so that we can sit back and relax.”

Shen Mei was surprised when she heard this.

God, 30% of the Li Group's equity is huge. Liang Ruqi and the others only hold 5%, and they have an income of hundreds of millions a year. If she can own 30%, that's incredible. There is endless money that can never be used up.

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