But Shen Ning just lay down for a while and suddenly thought of Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao.

These three little ones have suffered so much recently, and they must have a shadow in their hearts. No wonder I always thought they were weird when I saw them a few days ago. It turns out that's the case!

 She felt very distressed when she thought of the injustice done to the children.

Motherly love came to her, and she got up and wanted to visit her children.

  Have to admit that since the birth of Xixi and Beibei, her care for the children has decreased a lot. It's not that she doesn't want to care for them, but she has no energy.

 Besides, the children have grown up and will become independent soon. However, something like this will still happen in the meantime, which really makes her unspeakably uncomfortable.

 It is indeed difficult to stay in a wealthy family, and even the children are not as safe and happy as children from ordinary families.

"Who?" Just when she walked out, she saw a figure flashing out from the other end of the corridor. It was a woman. Even under the dim corridor light, she could see that the woman's back looked very similar. She, and she came out from Lan Lan's direction, she immediately shouted and asked.

 Shen Mei suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

It was so late, she thought Shen Ning had fallen asleep and would not get up again. Unexpectedly, she was still discovered.

She didn’t dare to take the elevator anymore and immediately ran towards the stairs.

"Stop." Shen Ning was afraid of waking up the children, so she shouted in a low voice and quickly chased after them.

 However, when she chased him to the stairs, the figure was no longer there.

 She looked down and saw that there was no one on the stairs. In a hurry, she rushed down the stairs in three steps at a time.

 In the living room, the door is slightly open.

 That figure has run away.

 She chased outside.

It was quiet outside and there was nothing. After she chased him out for a while, she saw a security guard sitting in the pavilion taking a nap. She woke him up and asked him if he had seen the woman come in.

 The security guard shook his head and didn't know what to ask.

For the first time, Shen Ning got angry at the security guard.

There are thieves at home, and these security guards are still sleeping on the job. This is so irresponsible.

 The security guard was scolded and panicked.

Shen Ning searched around for a while, but it was quiet everywhere, with no one around.

 In desperation, she had no choice but to go home. But this time, she was convinced that a woman in her family was pretending to be her. Although she had never seen this woman's face, she heard from Coco that she looked exactly like her. As for why there was such a similarity, she didn't know.

This matter is definitely not simple. Fortunately, Li Zhenting will be back next week.

 She will wait for him to come back, tell him about this, and let him find out the truth.

 She turned around and looked at Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao, who were sleeping deeply.

Shen Ning covered them with quilts before going back to the room to sleep.

 Early in the morning, she was awakened again by the rapid ringing of the phone.

I was delayed for a long time last night and didn't sleep well, so I felt dizzy.

 She got up and ran towards the extension phone upstairs.

"Shen Ning, your grandpa has fainted. The medical team asked us to prepare for the funeral. Please quickly pack your clothes and bring the children over. I will call Zhen Ting and ask him to come back as soon as possible." It was Li Wanqing calling, her tone extremely anxious.

Shen Ning's heart sank.

"Mom, don't worry, I'll bring the children over right away." Shen Ning's eyelids were twitching and she immediately comforted Li Wanqing.

 “Okay, I understand.” Li Wanqing responded and hung up the phone.

 Shen Ning immediately called Housekeeper Luo and Sister Wang.

 Then, everyone in Li's Castle got up and everyone started to get busy.

 Sister Wang and the nannies are quickly preparing breakfast.

 Xiao Li helped Shen Ning wake up the children one by one, dress and wash them, and the two special nurses also started to prepare daily necessities for Xixi and Beibei.

Shen Ning first calmly handled the daily affairs at home, then deployed several nannies and staff, asking them to prepare immediately, and then followed her to the Li family's old house to help. There must be a lot of manpower there.

 After all the work, she came to Lan Lan's bedroom.

Xiao Li had already asked Lan Lan to wash up and go downstairs to have breakfast, while she came to sort Lan Lan's clothes herself.

 She opened Lanlan's door.

In the room, the bed had been made, but there was still a strong smell of perfume, which was exactly the same as that night. She had noticed that Lan Lan never applied perfume, which meant that it was just as she imagined. There is another woman in Lan Lan's room.

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