Shen Ning walked to the closet and opened the closet door.

As soon as he opened it, his eyes tightened.

 There were several pieces of women's pajamas and fashionable clothes hanging in the closet. There was no way these were Lanlan's.

Moreover, she also saw the blue pajamas in the middle, which was exactly the one she had lost.

It’s so funny that her pajamas are actually in Lanlan’s bedroom.

 What is a little girl doing with her pajamas?

 Obviously, someone is pretending to be her.

 She bent down and searched carefully.

 I found some bone residue and powdery debris under the wardrobe, which should be bones from leftover meat and crumbs from cakes.

Does that woman still hide in the cupboard and eat?

 She suddenly remembered!

Last time, when she came over, Lan Lan opened the door, but there was no other woman in the room. It turned out that she was hiding in the closet.

She picked up the fashion clothes and looked at them. They were all from famous brands. This woman not only enjoyed herself but also knew how to dress up.

 Later, she took a bag from the side and cleaned up Lanlan's change of clothes.

 After a while, she carried the bag and went downstairs.

 Everyone got ready quickly and were standing in the living room waiting for her.

 Keke, Dingding and Xiaoxiao heard that their grandfather was seriously ill, and their faces lost the smiles of the past and looked solemn.

Shen Ning glanced at Lan Lan.

The little girl had an indifferent face, as if she didn't care about everything, and was playing with her favorite rag doll in her hand.

"Steward Luo, are you ready?" Shen Ning looked at Steward Luo and asked.

“Young lady, you are ready and ready to go.”

 “Okay, let’s go.”

Shen Ning carried a bag of daily necessities and walked outside.

 Children followed behind.

Soon a large car was filled and headed towards Li's old house.

 The old house of the Li family.

When Shen Ning rushed over, the house was solemn, everyone had heavy expressions, and there was a dull atmosphere in the air. Sudden

 Someone shouted:

 “Wake up, wake up, the old man is awake.”

 “Dad.” Li Jinyao’s shout came immediately.

 Shen Ning ran towards the old man's bedroom.

 All the medical teams were gathered around, administering first aid, and there were many relatives standing beside him in a dark atmosphere.

 “Fortunately, I finally woke up.” At this time, someone in the crowd breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Ning stood leaning against the door frame with a heavy heart.

Even though she has lost her memory, the impression left on her by the old man is that he is amiable. How she hopes that the old man can be well.

“Madam, although the old man has woken up, he is not optimistic. Your family members must be prepared at all times. The days are running out.” The head of the medical team warned Li Wanqing.

 “I know, thank you.” Li Wanqing wiped her tears.

"Young lady, your bedroom is still the same as before. It has been tidied up." At this time, Sister Wang ran up and said.

"Okay, let's settle the children first." Shen Ning glanced at Li Wanqing, who was wiping tears over there, and went down to settle the children first.

 In this current situation, Mr. Li may leave at any time, so she can only live with the children. Li Zhenting should be back in the next few days.

As soon as the children were settled, Li Wanqing asked someone to come over and call her.

 Shen Ning walked downstairs.

At the door of the study room, Liang Ruqi was walking out.

 Shen Ning met her face to face.

"Hey, Shen Ning, you look good. It seems that life has been very nourishing during this period." As soon as Liang Ruqi saw her, he immediately looked up and down, and then his eyes fell on her lower part, with a strange look.

Shen Ning clearly felt a sense of ill-intention and disgust.

She gave her a cold look and walked in from her side without even saying hello.

Liang Ruqi raised a cold smile on her lips and shook her head away.

Li Wanqing was sitting at the desk, looking at a stack of lists in her hand.

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