Shen family.

"Meimei, don't be with A Kang these days. I got news that Li Zhenting will go home the day after tomorrow. Now that Mr. Li Jichun is dying, he must have returned to the Li family's old house. Hurry up and catch him. Seize the opportunity, if you can sleep with him, everything will be fine." Lan Feiyun urged Shen Mei.

"Mom, Shen Ning has taken the children to the Li family's old house a long time ago. Lan Lan said that Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao all know that there is a fake mother. If I go there at this time, it will be easy for them to recognize me." Shen Mei disagreed.

"You're stupid. What's the use of three little brats knowing about it? Do they have evidence? As long as Li Zhenting and Li Wanqing don't know about it, that's fine. Besides, if it's later and they really find out, then you really have no chance. No more."

Shen Mei was startled, that was indeed the case.

"Okay, Mom, I'll go." She imagined Li Zhenting's strong and muscular body, and a wave of heat rose in her body.

"Here, take this." Lan Feiyun took out a thick document from his briefcase and handed it to Shen Mei.

 “Mom, what is this?”

"This is 30% of the equity of the Li Group. Now I have completed the formalities. All I need is Li Zhenting's signature and seal. As long as you can handle Li Zhenting, then we have everything." Lan Fei The eyebrows are dancing with joy.

"Mom, when did you finish it?" Shen Mei didn't expect Lan Feiyun to finish these procedures so quickly, and was very surprised for a moment.

"Then you don't have to worry about it. I have my own methods." Lan Feiyun smiled enigmatically.

"Mom, you are really capable." Shen Mei opened her arms and hugged her, very happy.

"So, you can just use your body to sleep with Li Zhenting now. Even your appearance is exactly the same as Shen Ning's. I don't believe Li Zhenting won't be tempted. Even if he has no physical needs, he still has to be responsible for Shen Ning. Leave your wife After such a long time, a long separation is better than a newlywed." Lan Feiyun patted her on the back, "Come on, Mom believes in you."

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Shen Mei readily agreed.

"With Lanlan inside as an internal response, you don't have to worry about anything." Lan Feiyun handed the bag to her, "I'll go there tonight."


 The old house of the Li family.

Shen Ning finished her day's work and sat on the sofa to rest.

 Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao ran over. “Mommy, let me beat your legs for you.”

 “Mommy, let me rub your back.”

 “Mommy, let me massage your head.”

Three little ones gathered around her again as before, one of them beat her legs, and the other two climbed onto the sofa to massage her back and head.

"Thank you." Shen Ning's heart was melted, with a kind and gentle smile on her face, and she stroked their little heads with her fingers.

The children were surrounded by their mommy and were very satisfied. The hurt and psychological shadow they had received from the fake mommy disappeared at this moment.

 They are still young, so as long as they know that their mother loves them, they are content.

 This way.

Lan Lan was standing by the screen over there, looking at them coldly.

 Shen Ning saw her as soon as he raised his eyes.

She narrowed her eyes and waved to her:

 “Lanlan, come here.”

Lan Lan walked over slowly.

“Lan Lan, I have packed up your change of clothes and brought them over for you, have you seen it?” Shen Ning asked.

 “I saw it.” Lan Lan replied indifferently after a while.

"Lanlan, don't be rude to my mommy." Xiaoxiao was unhappy and shouted at her.

Lan Lan glanced at her bitterly, lowered her head and said nothing.

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