"Lanlan, you have to be polite to my mommy. You are a junior, so you must be polite." Keke was not satisfied with Lanlan's attitude and turned to look at her and ordered.

 Lan Lan glanced at him but still said nothing.

"Keke, Dingding, Xiaoxiao, you go out to play first. I have something to tell Lanlan." At this time, Shen Ning smiled gently at the three little ones and ordered.

"No, Mommy, I'm afraid she will bully you." Xiaoxiaocai didn't want to go, she was worried that bad Lanlan would use tricks to harm her mommy.

Shen Ning smiled and stroked her little head: "Don't worry, Mommy has a way to deal with her, she won't dare."

 “Okay then.” The three little ones reluctantly left.

As soon as they left, Shen Ning looked at Lan Lan and said, "Lan Lan, let me ask you, why are my blue pajamas in the closet in your room?"

 Lan Lan's eyes flashed with panic, then she lowered her head and replied, "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Shen Ning said in a cold tone, "You have my pajamas in your closet. How could you not know? Tell me, was it you who took it in? Or who took it in?"

"I don't know, I just don't know." Lan Lan suddenly replied angrily.

“Then why are there adult women’s clothes in the closet in your room, and who put them in?” Shen Ning continued to press.

“No, I don’t know.” Lan Lan suddenly put her head in her hands and shouted loudly.

She remembered that Shen Mei once said to her that if anyone found her or asked about relevant matters, she could just say she didn't know. No one would hold a six-year-old girl responsible.

Hence, she didn’t know anything about it.

 Shen Ning really had nothing to do with her.

"Lan Lan, just because you don't tell me, it doesn't mean that I won't know. When Auntie finds out, she won't let you off lightly. Auntie has forgiven you too many times, but you refuse to change despite repeated admonitions. If you can honestly say it now , Auntie may even help you, just think about it yourself."

 Lan Lan suddenly became very irritable and glared at Shen Ning: "Don't ask me, I don't know anything, I don't know, I don't like you."

 After saying that, he ran towards the gate.

Li Wanqing just walked in. "Grandma." She ran over and threw herself into Li Wanqing's arms, crying loudly, "Mommy bullied me, threatened me, and beat me."

Li Wanqing was stunned for a moment and looked at Shen Ning who was sitting on the sofa. The look on her face was indeed not good.

"Don't be afraid, grandma will make the decision for you." Li Wanqing touched Lan Lan's head, "You go and play first."

"Thank you, grandma." Lan Lan smiled proudly and walked outside. After walking out of the door, she turned around and saw Li Wanqing scolding Shen Ning. She was so happy that she made a face at Shen Ning and ran away quickly.

“Mom, do you believe what this little girl Lan Lan said?” Seeing Li Wanqing’s questioning tone, Shen Ning smiled helplessly.

"The child came to me crying to complain. Can I not believe it? Although Lan Lan does have a lot of bad habits, she can't be better than you as an adult. Don't feel wronged. She doesn't have a mother in this family. She is a weak person, and as an elder, I must protect her." Li Wanqing spoke plausibly.

Shen Ning heard her words "She doesn't have a mother" and immediately said: "Mom, I happen to have something to talk to you about. Since we have bumped into each other now, why don't we have a good talk."

"What do you want to talk about?" Li Wanqing snorted, "Well, let's not talk here anymore. If the children see it and think I'm bullying you, let's go to the study room."

 “Okay.” Shen Ning stood up.

 The two of them walked towards the study.

Li Wanqing closed the study door.

 The two of them sat down at the desk.

"Mom, there is something I have to explain to you." Shen Ning thought for a moment and decided to start talking about what she saw with her own eyes, "After you listen to me, you will understand what I want to talk to Lan Lan about. ”

 “Then tell me.”

"Mom, when I was sorting out Lan Lan's clothes today, I actually found my set of pajamas in her closet. Also, there were several sets of adult women's clothes in her closet." Shen Ning pursed her lower lip and began. said.

Upon hearing this, Li Wanqing had doubts on her face and said coldly: "What can you explain?"

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