"Mom, think about it carefully. Lanlan is just a six-year-old girl. What is she doing with my pajamas? Can she wear them? Of course not. Besides, why are there adult women's fashions in her room? You Don't you think it's weird?" Shen Ning said patiently.

“It’s indeed a bit strange, but children are very curious, so maybe it’s just for fun. You don’t need to take it seriously. After all, she is still just a child.” Li Wanqing still didn’t think it was serious.

“But Mom, my wardrobe is very high and Lan Lan can’t reach it.”

 “Then what do you mean?” Li Wanqing was a little confused.

“Mom, I don’t think Lan Lan took it.”

 “Who could it be? The nanny?”

"Mom, the nanny doesn't know how to take it. How could the nanny go into my room to take my pajamas and put them in Lanlan's bedroom? Our Li family doesn't have such unqualified workers, and it's impossible for the nanny to buy adult women's clothes. Lanlan’s.”

"Then who took it, do you know?" Li Wanqing frowned. The Li family has a lot of things going on at the moment, and she doesn't want to pull it around just with a few pieces of clothing. Moreover, she is still a child. She feels that Shen Ning is making a big deal out of it. Small work.

“Mom, I think another woman took it.”

"What?" Li Wanqing was surprised, "Where did the other woman come from in Li's castle? Are you talking about Jiaojiao?"

"No, Mom." Shen Ning said with a solemn expression, "To tell you the truth, I saw a woman coming out of Lan Lan's room several times in the dead of night at Li's Castle. The woman's figure was somewhat similar to mine. .”

Li Wanqing's eyes widened with an incredible expression on her face.

One day, Shen Ning's amnesia turned out to be so serious. It turned out that she was only hallucinating about men, but now she is also hallucinating about women.

Why! She sighed, feeling pity in her heart, and let go of blaming Lan Lan, not wanting to pursue it any further.

"Ning Ning, go and have a good rest first. I know everything you said, and I will criticize Lan Lan." She said this and left with a gloomy look.

"Mom..." Shen Ning wanted to say something else, but Li Wanqing had already left and didn't listen to her at all.

 She stood helplessly.

 Night is coming.

 Cocoa, Dingding and Xiaoxiao went to bed early after dinner.

 The three little guys huddled together and watched a comic game before falling asleep.

I don’t know when I slept until Xiaoxiao woke up. He was thirsty and wanted to drink water. She looked outside the window. It was dark and she was very scared.

 “Brother, brother.” She pushed Coco who was sleeping next to her.

 Coco was pushed awake.

 “What’s wrong? Xiaoxiao.”

“Brother, I want to drink water. Can you go down with me to drink?”

Because the old man was seriously ill and had many things to do at home, he didn't have time to replace the water dispenser upstairs, so he had to go downstairs to drink. The water cups for several little ones were also placed downstairs.

"Okay, get up, I'll accompany you." Keke had always felt sorry for Xiaoxiao, so of course she agreed.

"Thank you, brother." Xiaoxiao was very grateful and smiled.

 The two little ones climbed out of bed and sucked the slippers.

Coco held the little hand and walked downstairs.

“Brother, look, there’s someone there.” Just when they reached the exit of the stairs, Xiaoxiao suddenly stopped walking, with a gleam of fear in his eyes.


“Look, it’s right there.” Xiaoxiao replied softly, pointing to the back door below.

 Coco looked in the direction of her little finger.

The back door was opened, and a woman's figure walked in. The woman was leaning on her toes and looking around. At first glance, she didn't look like a domestic servant.

 Coco’s eyes widened.

With the dim light from downstairs, he immediately felt that this woman's figure was very familiar.

 He held the little hand and walked forward for a while.

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