“Mommy.” Suddenly, Xiaoxiao recognized the figure and immediately shouted in surprise.

"Shh." But as soon as she opened her mouth, Coco covered her mouth and dragged her aside to hide.

 There was a look of doubt and fear in his little eyes.

At this time, the figure walked towards this side, looking left and right as he walked, looking around in the living room from time to time. After a while, he actually walked towards the stairs.

Coco and Xiaoxiao hid under the corner of the stairs, looking at her warily.

Even if there was no light in the living room, relying on the dim night light at the entrance of the stairs, Keke and Xiaoxiao could tell at a glance that this woman had a face exactly like Mommy, and her body shape was also very similar.

If Keke hadn't held down Xiaoxiao in time, Xiaoxiao would have rushed over and called Mommy.

But the smart Xiaoxiao quickly woke up. This woman was definitely not a mommy, she was probably the fake mommy.

Coco's sharp eyes were fixed on her wrist. It was strange that this time, she didn't have a jade ring on her wrist.

Then will she be a mommy?

Certainly not!

This woman came in from the back door in the dark of night and looked around the house in awe. It seemed that she was not very familiar with this home. Moreover, when this woman passed in front of him, he saw the ferocity and ferocity in her eyes. indifferent.

Her mommy was upright and would never walk around looking around like this. Moreover, mommy’s face was soft and there was love in her eyes. This woman was incomparable.

Soon, the woman passed them and went upstairs.

“Brother, is she the fake mommy?”


“Then could she be a ghost?” Xiaoxiao was very scared. Thinking of how rough and cruel she was to her during those nights, she would tremble with fear.

 “No, there are no ghosts in this world.” Keke answered affirmatively.

“Then who is she? Why does she look exactly like mommy?”

"She must be a bad woman. I don't know why she looks exactly like mommy." Coco shook her head, held her little hand and came out to find the water dispenser in the living room. Coco took a cup and filled it with water. Xiaoxiao drank.

Xiao Xiao's whole body was shivering, her fingers were cold, and the hand holding the cup was trembling.

"Don't be afraid. As long as I'm here, she won't dare to hurt you. Besides, there are adults in the house. As long as we shout, she will be caught. She is the one to be afraid of now." Coco comforted her.

“Then shall we wake up the master and arrest her?”

"Don't do it yet, because we don't know her details. She looks exactly like Mommy. If we wake up all the adults, she will definitely run away, and others may think she is Our mommy is doing bad things, we have to protect her."

 “Okay, I understand.” Xiaoxiao nodded in agreement.

“Let’s go up and see what she is doing?” Coco held her little hand and walked towards the stairs.

 “Okay.” With his brother by his side, Xiaoxiao also gained courage and became less afraid.


  When they walked upstairs, the corridor was empty and there was no one left.

If they hadn't just seen it with their own eyes downstairs, they would have thought they were hallucinating or that no one had ever come up. Keke took Xiaoxiao and looked around in the corridor, but still didn't see the fake mommy. He was worried that Xiaoxiao was scared, so he took Xiaoxiao back to the room.

Ting Ding was still sleeping soundly.

 The two little guys fell asleep.

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