Early in the morning the next day.

 Coco, Dingding and Xiaoxiao sat together.

“Ding Ding, let me tell you, Xiaoxiao and I saw the fake mommy downstairs last night, and she came here too.” Coco solemnly told Ding Ding about this.

“Ah.” Ding Ding’s eyes widened in shock.

 So, Keke and Xiaoxiao talked about what happened last night in detail.

"Then why didn't you wake me up?" Ding Ding clenched his fists in anger, "I want to take good care of her."

"Come on, you sleep like a pig." Coco snorted, "Tell you, Ding Ding, this fake mommy is definitely a bad person. She must have followed us here to harm mommy. We must Protect mommy."

“Yes, we have to protect Mommy.” Ding Ding agreed.

"Therefore, we can't alert the snake for the time being. Now, she is not wearing a jade ring on her wrist. I can't guarantee that I can recognize her when I see her. Moreover, she is elusive. If we tell others, they won't believe it. Without evidence, no one can do anything to her, so we must pay close attention to her now and try to find her out as soon as possible." Ke Ke looked like a little adult and spoke eloquently.

Xiao Xiao’s eyes were full of admiration: “Okay, I will listen to my brother.”

“Well, I listen to you too, let’s work hard together.” Ding Ding also agreed.

The three little ones discussed it for a while. Sister Wang was calling for breakfast outside, so they headed downstairs.

 Just came to the dining room.

They saw Lan Lan sitting at the dinner table with her head held high, looking very energetic, not at all as listless as the previous two days.

"Keke, scoop me some porridge." Lanlan ordered Keke as soon as he sat down.

"Don't you have any hands or feet? You won't take it." Coco immediately refused with a straight face.

“That’s right, Lan Lan, why did you order Coco to get it for you? Are you a dead person yourself?” Ding Ding scolded. "Lanlan, you have to do your own thing. Didn't the kindergarten teacher teach you? Why can you exploit other people's labor?" Xiaoxiao was **** for tat.

After the three little ones learned that there was a fake mommy and that the fake mommy had a close relationship with Lan Lan, they all changed and they were no longer polite to Lan Lan.

 In their hearts, only mommy’s words are what they want to listen to. In the past, they all thought that the fake mommy was their mommy, so they were so obedient, but now, they no longer think so.

Lanlan’s nose was so angry that she was so angry.

 But the three little ones regarded her as nothing but air, and no one cared about her. They even ate all the delicious food themselves and never gave it to her again.

Looking at her angry face, the three little ones even made a face at her, making a 'che' expression.

Lan Lan was so angry that she threw away her chopsticks and ran upstairs.

 The three little ones didn’t even bother to look at her.

“Mommy, I’m so angry, Keke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao don’t take me seriously now, they even make fun of me maliciously.” Lanlan stamped her feet and shouted as soon as she returned to the bedroom.

Shen Mei was lying on the bed and said, "You are so old. You have to find a way to defeat them by yourself. You can't always rely on me. I can't stay with you forever."

"But there are three of them, and I only have one." Lan Lan was unconvinced.

“Then you can unite with Xiao Shitou and find the solution yourself. You can also pick the weakest one to bully. Only by finding a way to defeat them can you gain a foothold in a wealthy family in the future.”

"You can't help me now? Then what are you doing here?" Lan Lan shouted dissatisfied, sitting and sulking.

"Don't worry, Mommy will help you this time, but Mommy can't help you forever. You have to find a way on your own, you know?" Shen Mei saw her daughter fuming and hugged her into her arms.

 “Yeah.” Lan Lan nodded.

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