In the garden.

 Coco, Dingding and Xiaoxiao are riding their bicycles and are very happy.

"You guys come down, we want to ride." They had only ridden a few times, when Lan Lan came over with a small stone and shouted to them.

"No, why." Ding Ding glared at them, "Get out of here, my car is about to pass."

Ke Lanlan and Xiao Shitou stood in front of him and said arrogantly: "If you don't let us ride the bicycle, we won't leave and no one will be able to ride it."

"I'm warning you. I'll count to three. If you don't leave, I'll ride over. You can't blame me if you get hurt." Ding Ding gave the order directly.

"You dare." Lan Lan and Xiao Shitou both stood with their heads held high, with scornful smiles on their faces.




After Ding Ding shouted three times in a row, Lan Lan and Xiao Shitou didn't take it seriously at all and still stood in front of him. He was furious. Being the eldest young master, he got angry and rushed towards them on his bicycle.

When Lan Lan saw the car rushing towards her, her face changed color with fear. She didn't expect that Ding Ding would actually dare to hit them.

Little Shitou was clever. When he saw that Ding Ding was really coming, he immediately jumped to the side and dodged away.

 Lanlan was chubby and slow to react, so she was hit by a bicycle with a bang.

"Ah." The bicycle hit her thigh, which hurt so much that Lanlan cried loudly.

"You deserve it. Who asked you to stop me?" Ding Ding didn't care whether she was in pain or not. He scolded her and ran away on his bicycle.

Lan Lan sat on the ground and cried loudly.

The adults were all busy. Butler Luo heard the crying and ran out to see Lan Lan sitting on the ground crying alone. He quickly hugged her back.

As soon as he came back, he received a call again and left in a hurry.

Lan Lan cried for a while and was ignored. She became furious and ran back to her bedroom to lose her temper at Shen Mei. Shen Mei was also very angry when she saw that her daughter's legs were red. She promised to clean up Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao at night.

Keke was riding his bicycle and kept watching over there. He saw everything about Ding Ding bumping into Lan Lan. He wanted to see if the fake mommy would show up after seeing Lan Lan being bullied.

 Night is coming, and the chill is deep.

Coco, Tintin and Xiaoxiao came to the bedroom after dinner. The three little ones took a shower early and climbed into bed to read cartoon books.

 After a while, the back door opened, and Shen Mei walked in swaggeringly.

 The three little ones immediately looked at her warily.

Coco looked up and down, trying to decide whether she was a real mommy or a fake mommy!

At this time, Shen Mei took a few steps forward and said loudly: "Keke, Dingding, Xiaoxiao, don't you say hello to mommy when you see her?"

"Mommy." The three little ones couldn't tell whether she was real or fake, so they all spoke in unison.

"Hmm." Shen Mei said 'hmm', a cold light flashed in her eyes, and she suddenly criticized seriously, "Keke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, Mommy didn't tell you to play with Lan Lan. Treat her well. Are you going to give her all the delicious and fun things? Not only do you not do it, but you also hit her with a bicycle? That's too much!"

Hearing this, Ke Ke glanced at Ding Ding, who was also looking at him.

The two of them were thinking at the same time that this mommy asked them to be nice to Lan Lan without any restrictions as before. It was a lie at first sight.

 It seems that they taught Lan Lan a lesson today, and she is here to avenge Lan Lan!


 The two little ones nodded their little heads at the same time.

"Tell me, why did you hit Lan Lan? You also hit her leg. Don't you know that hitting someone is wrong?" At this time, Shen Mei spoke sternly, her tone was cold, and she picked up the One of the clothes hangers was raised and I was about to hit them.

"Humph, you are a fake mommy. Don't think that we don't know. Get out of here. We won't listen to you." Coco jumped up. He had already confirmed 100% of this fake mommy. Their mommy would not Treat them so cruelly.

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