"Yes, get out of here, you bad woman." Xiaoxiao also stood up, thinking of the beating and scolding by her that night, he was very angry.

When Shen Mei saw this, she became furious. She didn't expect these naughty children to be so alert and see through her so quickly.

"How dare you scold Mommy and seek death." She would not pity them. She had already wanted to deal with them. She immediately picked up the clothes hanger and beat the little villain viciously.

 Because Coco and Ding Ding are more agile and alert than Xiao Xiao, she can only pick on the weak Xiao Xiao first.

 Seeing the clothes hanger hit Xiaoxiao.

“Xiaoxiao, be careful.” Coco protected Xiaoxiao behind her and kicked the fake mommy in the stomach.

The child is short after all, so Shen Mei's arms still hit the little body who retreated.

 “Get out.” Ding Ding shouted angrily and picked up a pillow in time to hit Shen Ning in the face.

 Immediately, Shen Mei was hit on the face, the pillow covered her eyes, and the clothes hanger was knocked out of place. At this time, Coco happened to kick her in the stomach.

Shen Mei felt a pain in her stomach and her hands softened.

"Bad woman, bring it here." Ding Ding quickly reached out and snatched the clothes hanger from her hand, and hit her with his backhand.

"Ouch." The hanger immediately hit Shen Mei on the arm, and she screamed in pain, "You little thieves, you dare to hit me, let's see how I deal with you."

 She lunged at them ferociously, trying to catch Xiao Xiaobao.

But before she could catch her arm, Coco kicked her on the wrist. Her face turned pale in pain, and then Ding Ding walked around behind her and punched her in the back.

Shen Ning's back hurt, and she was hit from front and back, and her body was kicked and tilted.

"Coco, hold her down quickly." Ding Ding shouted, pushing her from the back and pushing her to the ground.

Shen Mei instantly fell to the ground, her wrists and knees hurting from the fall.

"Ah." Coco yelled, jumped down, sat on her back, punched her on the head, and then held her head down.

 “I’m coming.” Ding Ding shouted, jumped down, and sat on her legs.

"Beat her." Ke Ke ordered. One of the two little dogs pressed her head and the other's feet. The beating made Shen Mei miserable, but she didn't dare to shout loudly for fear of revealing her identity. Xiaoxiao also climbed out of bed and kicked her several times.

 Shen Mei was entangled by three little ones and could not escape. She received many beatings on her body, which made her feel painful and angry.

"Grandpa." She didn't have the strength to escape, so she had a plan in mind and shouted.

Coco and Ding Ding were startled and raised their heads.

"Son of a bitch." Shen Mei gritted her teeth and took the opportunity to roll violently, throwing Coco and Ding Ding off her body. Then she quickly got up and ran away without stopping, limping away.

 “Haha, it’s so cool.” The three little ones stood up and looked at the bad woman with disheveled hair escaping in embarrassment. They all clapped their hands and laughed.

“Brother, let’s see if she dares to bully us in the future.” Xiaoxiao didn’t know how happy she was, with a smile on her face, “This bad woman deserves to be beaten.”

 “Yes.” Coco picked up the pillow on the floor and climbed into bed.

Ding Ding also climbed up.

 The three little ones high-fived each other and smiled happily.

But Shen Ning said that Shen Ning had been busy all day and her back hurt. At this time, she thought of Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao San.

It has been more than a day since they moved here, and she has been too busy to see them, and she doesn’t know how they are doing now.

 She walked towards their bedroom.

"Coco, Tintin, Xiaoxiao, are you still reading comic books?" When Shen Ning opened the door, she saw three little ones gathering together to read comic books, and immediately asked with a smile.

Hearing this, the three little ones all raised their heads and stared at her.

Is this a real mommy or a fake mommy?

"What's wrong with you?" Shen Ning couldn't help asking when he saw that their expressions were strange, they were not as close to her as usual, and they didn't even call her, and they were staring at her with suspicion.

 You must know that they were not like this a few days ago.

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