Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao went upstairs listlessly after dinner. The three Xiao Xiao sat in the bedroom with big eyes and small eyes on their faces, looking sad.

"Brother, do you think she is really our biological mother?" After a while, Xiaoxiao couldn't hold back and asked.

 Keke has a serious face.

“I think she is the fake mommy.” Ding Ding said angrily.

Coco nodded: "I think so too, but we have no evidence to prove that she is not. If she is not, then where is our mommy?"

Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao stopped talking after hearing this.

 They were all depressed.

"By the way, how about we tell grandma our questions?" Ding Ding suddenly suggested.

Coco said with a bitter face: "Even if you tell grandma, grandma won't believe it. Grandma will definitely say, if you think she is fake, then where are your real mommies? How can there be exactly the same people in this world? You guys? Yeah, you are really a big kid and you have all your ideas."

Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao stopped talking when they heard the words, and they all hung their heads.

"Brother, if she is a fake mommy, then where will our mommy be now? Uncle Luo said that mommy went to the warehouse in the afternoon, so will mommy still be in the warehouse?" There was confusion on the little face. .

“Uncle Keluo said that mommy has come back and is no longer there. Uncle Luo will not lie to us.” Keke shook his head.

 “Then where will mommy be?”

"By the way, we just searched the upstairs, downstairs, and basement. Mommy will often go there to clean things these days, so will she be there?" Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of this. said.

Coco raised her head: "It's very possible. Why don't we go down and search now. If we find the real mommy, the fake mommy will show her true form."

"Okay, let's go." Tintin got up and took a strong lighting fixture from the bedside table.

 “Let’s go.” The three little ones formed a team and walked towards the basement.

 In the bedroom over here, Shen Mei walked in swaggeringly.

Perhaps it was because Mommy was gone, Xixi and Beibei felt strongly uneasy, and they were crying loudly.

“Young mistress.” When they saw Shen Ning come in, the two special nurses looked like they had seen a savior. The two babies had been crying for a long time for no reason today. This had never happened before. They all thought it was because they hadn't seen mommy for a long time, because Shen Ning went to the warehouse today and hadn't visited the children for a long time.

But Shen Mei just glanced at the two little guys and said nothing. She looked at the bedroom with her eyes and frowned.

 There are not only two little ones sleeping in one room, but also two special caretakers. Where is the private space?

Li Zhenting will be back at six in the morning. When he comes back, he will definitely be intimate with her. How can he be intimate here?

 She turned around and walked out.

“Young lady, what’s the matter?” Sister Wang walked up quickly, and Shen Mei stood in the corridor.

"The young master is coming back soon. Please tidy up this guest room and make it tidy." Shen Mei pointed to a large guest room next to her.

"Young lady, the young master said that there is no need to rearrange his room. We asked him, and he said he would sleep with you and the two babies." Sister Wang replied immediately.

Because the two special nurses will sleep in a small guest room next door after Li Zhenting comes back. In this way, Li Zhenting can sleep with Shen Ning and their two babies, and the family will be reunited without any problems.

 But Shen Mei was furious when she heard this.

She didn't want to sleep with those two dead babies. Don't even think about asking her to take care of Shen Ningsheng's bastard.

Moreover, Li Zhenting has just come back, and they don’t want any children in the middle of their world.

 She wants to decorate a new house belonging to her and Li Zhenting, and enjoy the pleasures she has longed for for a long time.

"What's the point of asking her without asking me? We are husband and wife. It's up to me to decide whether we need to decorate the room or not. What do you know?" she scolded sternly.

Sister Wang paled when she heard that, and immediately said: "Okay, I will take people to arrange it right away."

 “Hurry up.” Shen Mei said with a sullen face.

Sister Wang had no choice but to go down and ask Mother Wu to start cleaning up the house with an old servant here.

Shen Mei went in to check the shower head and hot water switch, and was busy.

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