Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao groped their way into the basement.

The basement is quite big and dark.

Li's old house has an old-fashioned design, and the voice-activated switches are installed quite high.

Ding Ding held the lighting fixture, and Coco brought a chair, stood on it, and turned on the lights inside.

 There are various old furniture and some daily household items that are not commonly used.

“Mommy, Mommy, where are you?” The three little ones shouted softly while searching.

 But they searched the entire basement and couldn't find Mommy. They were discouraged and had to turn off the lights and walk out.

"Let's go up the back stairs. There is a small attic there. Maybe mommy is there." Coco suggested.

 The three little ones followed him towards the back stairs.

 After a while, they went up the stairs and climbed to the attic.

 “Mommy, Mommy.” They lay outside and shouted, making no sound.

 Finally, Coco climbed in through a small door.

 Without exception, Mommy was not found!

 The three little ones had no choice but to prepare to go back to sleep.

"What are you doing?" But just as the three of them turned around, they suddenly heard a cold scolding.

 The three little ones looked up in fear.

 They saw Shen Ning standing in front of them, with a cold and stern look in his eyes.

 Their faces turned pale.

"It's so late at night, you don't sleep, but you come here and climb through the window. What are you doing?" Shen Mei got angry just seeing these three little guys, thinking about being beaten on the ground by Coco and Ding Ding that day, He was even more angry than Dan Bian. He immediately raised his hand and grabbed Coco, pulled him and threw him against the wall. He pointed at him and yelled angrily:

"Look at what you have become now. You are covered in dirt. You look like a beggar, not like a young master. You are really not obedient at all. You are absolutely a bad boy."

Coco's back hit the wall and it hurt. What made him most uncomfortable was that Mommy actually called him a bad boy. Mommy had never said that to him when he was so old.

"I'm not a bad kid, you are a bad woman." As soon as Coco raised his eyes, he saw the vicious and cold look in Shen Mei's eyes, which was exactly the same as that of the fake mommy. In just this moment, he recognized it. , the woman in front of him was either his real mommy or the fake mommy, he immediately objected.

"You **** kid, you dare to even scold mommy. It's really outrageous." Shen Mei was so angry that she raised her hand to grab Keke's ears, wanting to teach him a lesson.

 Coco avoided it nimbly.

“You are a fake mommy, a bad woman, you are not our mommy.” Coco yelled at her.

Shen Mei's eyes flashed fiercely, and she rushed over to throw the little guy to the ground, holding him down and beating him.

As soon as Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao saw it, they immediately came over and grabbed Shen Mei's arm, holding on tightly.

Shen Mei couldn't let go, her face was distorted with anger.

At this time, Li Wanqing was coming out of the old man's room. He heard a noise on the back stairs, so he walked towards this side.

"What are you doing?" She walked upstairs and saw Shen Ning scolding Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao with a dark face. Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao were also glaring at her. The two little guys were still Holding her hand, she didn't know what happened and asked immediately.

Ding Ding and grandma Xiaoxiao came and immediately let go of Shen Mei.

Shen Mei's originally dark and fierce face immediately revealed a charming smile when she saw Li Wanqing.

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