Shen Mei's face changed slightly.

“Of course Daddy is real, can it be fake?” Li Zhenting listened to Keke’s words, smiled, and kissed his forehead.

Coco Ke Ke glanced hard at Shen Mei who was sitting next to her.

Shen Mei's fingers secretly clenched.

“Keke, Dingding, Xiaoxiao, Lanlan, daddy bought gifts for each of you, and I’ll let the cold-blooded uncle bring them to you later.”

"Thank you, Daddy." Lan Lan also ran over and snuggled up to Li Zhenting's side, enjoying themselves while Shen Mei sat alone.

"Zhen Ting, let's go upstairs." After a while, Shen Mei couldn't sit still and winked at Li Zhenting.

"Okay." Li Zhenting put down the children. There were two babies upstairs. They were still young and needed more love from their father.

Shen Mei stood up happily, took Li Zhenting's arm and walked upstairs.

Coco looked at daddy and fake mommy, and pursed her lips.

 At this time, Lengxue brought in the toys and food Li Zhenting bought for the children.

The children looked around and saw whose gifts were marked on them. There was no need to **** them. Everyone took their own and had fun.

 Keke has no intention of playing.


"Zhen Ting, I miss you so much. You are finally back." Shen Mei held Li Zhenting's shoulder and almost hung her body on his arm, looking extremely charming and charming.

 But Li Zhenting was not as passionate as he imagined.

 Originally, he was thinking about her every day, but for some reason, when he saw her, his interest in her was in vain.

He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't put it in words.

 “Are Xixi and Beibei okay?” he asked warmly.

“Fortunately, they two are very good, and they are well-fed and fat.” Shen Mei smiled. "That's good, thank you for your hard work." Li Zhenting reached out and touched her head and replied gently.

Shen Mei smiled coquettishly and leaned her face on his arm: "Thank you for nothing. I am their mommy, so of course I have to fulfill my responsibilities."

"Well, even so, I have a responsibility. I'm not here during this time. Thank you for your hard work. I bought you a gift and will give it to you later." Li Zhenting smiled slightly.

"Thank you, husband." Shen Mei replied very naturally, rubbing her breast on Li Zhenting's arm from time to time.

The two of them arrived upstairs while they were talking.

"Zhen Ting, I have decorated a guest room for you, go and have a look." When they arrived at the bedroom of Shen Ning and the children, Shen Mei dragged Li Zhenting towards the new guest room she had decorated, not wanting him to go in.

Li Zhenting held her back.

"I haven't seen Xixi and Beibei for a long time. Let's take a look at the children first." As he spoke, he freed his arms from Shen Mei's hands, turned around and walked towards the children's room.

Shen Mei had no choice but to follow in.

“Master, you are back.” Two special guards immediately came up to greet him with a smile.

 “Yes.” Li Zhenting smiled slightly, “Thank you for your hard work.”

"It's not hard, it should be." They immediately picked up the child with a smile and brought it to Li Zhenting, saying softly, "Hi, Beibei, look, your daddy is back."

Li Zhenting picked them up with both hands.


 When he took the child and took a look, his face darkened.

I saw that both Xixi and Beibei’s eyes were swollen from crying, and the lower half of Beibei’s face was still red, as if it was swollen.

"What's wrong with the children's faces?" Li Zhenting asked immediately, feeling very distressed.

“…” The two special guards looked at Shen Mei and said nothing.

Shen Mei's eyes widened: "Is this how you take care of the children? You are getting lazy and shameless. If you can't take care of them well, then quit."

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