"Young lady, Xixi and Beibei made such a fuss last night because you were not here..." One of the special nurses explained in a trembling voice, "This has never happened before."

"That's nonsense. It's obvious that you are lazy and not as diligent as before. Children can't lie. They will cry if they are not well taken care of. This is your responsibility." Shen Mei was very angry and passed all the responsibilities to them. , "Needless to say, you can leave quickly, we won't hire you anymore."

 The two special guards looked at Li Zhenting with red eyes.

At this time, Li Zhenting was holding Xixi and Beibei and was wiping the tears on their faces and playing with them. The two little guys felt their father's love and laughed happily, dancing with their feet and hands. Li Zhenting was immersed in the joy of father's love.

"Young lady, we can leave, but I have to say something fair. Ever since we took care of Xixi and Beibei, we have been conscientious and conscientious. Xixi and Beibei started crying only yesterday. We last night I didn't sleep all night, and I was trying my best to take care of them. You used to take them to sleep every day. They had their mommy by their side and felt safe, so they didn't cry. You didn't hold them last night or today. The little one is gone. A sense of security. She will cry when she can't feel maternal love. As for what happened to half of Beibei's face? You know best. It's definitely not because we didn't take good care of her." One of the special nurses looked at Shen Ning and became determined. He was very aggrieved to dismiss them, so he told the truth regardless of Shen Mei's angry expression.

Shen Mei was very angry and said: "It's useless what you say. It's your responsibility if my children are not taken care of well now. I've been taking inventory in the warehouse for the past two days and I don't have time to take care of the children. Of course, I leave it to you." You have to take good care of it. If you don't take good care of it, you will be held accountable. You can go after the financial settlement. This month's bonus will be deducted."

Another special nurse became anxious after hearing this, and said with a cry: "Young lady, you have always been very kind to us, and we are very grateful to you, but we didn't expect that you would change so much in the past two days, as if you were a different person. …”

Shen Mei said angrily: "Why don't you get out of here? My husband has just come back. Do you want to embarrass him?"

When the two special guards saw him, they had no choice but to pack up their things and leave with sad faces. They never dreamed that they would be fired after just a short time.

Li Zhenting kissed the two babies and remained silent.

The headmistress of the Li family will definitely be Shen Ning in the future. She must have authority. Therefore, when she has a conflict with the staff, it is impossible for him to intervene. Besides, he is not at home and does not understand the rights and wrongs. , even this trivial matter is the hostess's right, and of course Shen Ning has the final say.

"Ning Ning, they have taken care of the children for so long. If they leave, who will you ask to take care of Xixi and Beibei?" Li Zhenting asked after they left.

"What are you afraid of? As long as I can afford it, I will find a lot of good nurses to take care of her." Shen Mei smiled nonchalantly, deliberately picked up Xixi and kissed Beibei again and again, looking very intimate.

Li Zhenting said nothing after hearing this.

Shen Mei put down the children, glanced at them coldly, and said coquettishly: "Zhen Ting, take care of the children first. I'll go find the special care worker right away."

 After saying that, she walked out, came to the corridor and sent a message to Lan Feiyun.

Lan Feiyun understood immediately and replied: "Okay, I understand. Don't worry, I will send two special guards over immediately to ensure that these two little **** can sleep soundly at night. You and Li Zhenting can enjoy themselves in peace tonight. Come on, don’t forget the business.”

"OK." Shen Mei sent a message and came back.

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