In an abandoned underground garage.

 Shen Ning slowly opened his eyes.

 My head hurts violently, and my body also experienced bursts of soreness.

  She moved her body and found that her hands and feet were tied and could not move.

What is this place? In the end what happened?

Her eyes searched around hard. It was dark all around, but the light coming through the gap in the door frame judged that it was daytime.

She wanted to shout, but her voice was hoarse. After struggling and panicking for a while, she became quiet and gradually remembered what happened before she fainted.

 Obviously, she was plotted!

Who is that man wearing a black mask and a pair of sinister eyes, and why did he come to plot against her?

 She closed her eyes weakly, feeling the approaching death.

The doting facial features of the handsome man flashed in my mind, and the childish faces of the children flashed in my mind, with bitter tears streaming from the corners of their eyes.

The cold floor kept attacking her, her head felt dizzy, and she gradually lost consciousness.

 Li's Castle.

 Night is coming again.

"Zhenting, Xixi and Beibei have fallen asleep. You have worked hard all day and it's time to go and rest." Shen Mei held Li Zhenting's arm delicately and wanted to take him to the bedroom next door to live in their world.

But Li Zhenting pushed her away and went into the original bedroom to see Xixi and Beibei.

 After the two special guards were dismissed, Shen Mei immediately hired new special guards through Lan Feiyun.

He was worried and came over to take a look. After all, how could the new special care workers know the children's habits? He was worried that they would not be able to take good care of them.

As soon as he walked in, he saw two children already asleep in the cradle, sleeping deeply.

 He looked down, touched the children's faces with his fingers, and frowned slightly.

Shen Mei raised her head and winked at the special guards.

One of the gentle and beautiful girls smiled and said: "Mr. Li, don't worry and rest with the young lady. We will take care of the babies."

"You are still sensible. Look how well they took care of the children. They fell asleep so early. At this time last night, the children were still crying loudly." Shen Mei immediately praised.

 “Thank you, young lady, for the compliment.” Special Protector said with a flattering smile on his face.

"You must take good care of the children. If you don't take care of them well, don't blame me for being rude." Shen Mei warned.

“Don’t worry, I will.” The two special guards said at the same time.

"Zhen Ting, let's go, let's go rest." Shen Mei took Li Zhenting's arm and said softly, "Xixi and Beibei are already asleep. The special guards will keep an eye on them."

"Yeah." Li Zhenting could only agree and followed Shen Mei away.

"Emma, ​​you really scared me to death. Mr. Li seemed to have noticed something just now." After Shen Mei left with Li Zhenting, a special guard patted his chest and breathed out.

"Don't worry, the sleeping pills are colorless and odorless. He won't be able to tell anything, unless he's a doctor." The other one poured all the remaining sleeping potions into the toilet, walked out lazily, and yawned, "We're close Just go to sleep, these two little guys have drank enough to wake up tomorrow morning."


 The two special guards turned off the lights, climbed into bed and went to sleep.

 In the guest room over here.

"Zhen Ting, I miss you so much." Shen Mei held Li Zhenting's arm before going in. She snuggled into Li Zhenting's arms, wrapped her hands around his neck, and wrapped her legs around his waist. She was still wearing **** clothes. The short skirt, with no **** underneath, was so hot and **** that it made people nosebleed.

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