Li Zhenting suddenly felt dizzy and his body became weak. His fingers involuntarily grabbed the woman clinging to him.

A sly smile appeared on Shen Mei's lips. She tilted her head back and was about to kiss Li Zhenting's lips.

 Outside the gate.

Ke Ke was worried about his father and had already arrived outside the guest room. Fortunately, the guest room door was not locked. He pushed it gently and the door opened.

 He stuck his little head in.

Oh my god, the fake mommy is seducing daddy and even kissing daddy on the mouth.

 This is the greatest harm to Mommy. He will never allow such a thing to happen.

 “Daddy.” He pushed the door fiercely, shouted, and jumped in.

"Ah." Shen Mei didn't expect someone to appear suddenly, and was startled. When her fingers loosened, her whole body fell off like a barnacle.

"Ouch." She fell to the floor, her **** sore, and when she turned around, she saw Coco standing in front of them, her eyes full of vigilance, and her eyes suddenly revealed a fierce look.

"Daddy." Keke ignored her, threw herself into Li Zhenting's arms, and supported him.

At this time, Li Zhenting was feeling dizzy, staggering, and had no idea what was going on.

 Keke supported him hard and helped him to lie down on the bed.

"Bad woman, what did you feed my daddy?" Coco turned around and asked angrily.

 Shen Mei became angry from shame.

“You little bastard, if you dare to mess with my business, I’ll beat you to death.” She rushed up and was about to grab Coco, throw him down, and beat him severely.

 Cocoa is not someone to be trifled with at all.

 He has been practicing boxing since primary school and is very skilled in martial arts. He will not be lenient when dealing with his enemies.

Shen Mei, on the other hand, is usually lazy. Although she is tall, she wears high heels, tight skirts, and has her hands and feet restrained. How can she compete with the nimble Coco. After the little guy moved around a few times, Shen Mei was sweating profusely, exhausted, and out of breath.

 After a while, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao also came over. As soon as they saw this situation, they immediately joined Coco's team and stayed by Li Zhenting's side.

Shen Mei took a look and realized that there was no chance of sleeping with Li Zhenting tonight.

"You little bastards, wait for me, I will show you how powerful you are." She was so angry that she pointed at them and threatened them, and ran out.

 “Damn woman.” The three little guys stuck out their tongues at her.

“Brother, what’s wrong with daddy?” After Shen Mei left, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao asked worriedly when they saw Li Zhenting sleeping on the bed.

“I don’t know what kind of medicine this bad woman gave Daddy. Just now, she actually wanted to forcefully kiss Daddy.” Coco replied angrily.

"It's really shameless." Xiaoxiao and Dingding were very angry.

Coco's face was serious: "What should we do? That bad woman will come back later, and daddy has become like this again."

 He pushed Li Zhenting several times, but he didn't respond.

"Then what are we going to do?" Xiaoxiao was so anxious that he almost cried.

With the power of the three little guys, they can only destroy it for a while, but they can't stop the bad woman.

"Now we have to tell grandma and daddy the real situation. Only daddy can catch this bad woman." Tintin replied.

“Hey, I wonder when Daddy will wake up?” Coco sighed worriedly.

While they were discussing, there were footsteps outside.

"Mom, Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao don't know what's going on these days. They are always going against me. You see, it's so late and they still haven't slept yet. They forced their way into Zhen Ting and I's room and caused trouble. Those who punched and kicked me, I don't know who said bad things about me in front of them." Shen Mei's aggrieved voice came from the corridor, her voice was not loud, but she was very respectful and humble.

As she was talking, Shen Mei walked in with Li Wanqing.

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