The old house of the Li family.

"Keke, Dingding, Xiaoxiao." After receiving Coco's call, Li Jiaojiao rushed to Li's old house early in the morning. Before the children got up, she rushed to their bedroom and pulled them up. Ask, "What is going on? Please tell me clearly."

Coco saw that it was Li Jiaojiao and hugged her: "Auntie, you are finally here. Please save our mommy."

"Let's be clear." Li Jiaojiao pulled away from him, "You said that the current mommy is a fake mommy. What exactly is going on?"

"It's true, Aunt Jiaojiao." Xiaoxiao rubbed her eyes and spoke with a cry.

 So, the three little guys explained in detail what happened recently.

Li Jiaojiao's eyes widened when she heard this, and her face was full of anger.

"If this is really the case, it would be too much." She rolled up her sleeves, "Don't worry, if she is really fake, I will definitely find her out."

"Thank you, aunt. If you can really rescue our mommy and drive away the fake mommy, then all our New Year's money will be given to you." Ding Ding said seriously. This was the first time that he willingly gave her his New Year's money. .

“Isn’t that a little missing?” Li Jiaojiao touched her chin with her finger, thinking.

“Then I’ll give it to you for three years, and then I’ll give you the red envelope for the next three years, for the three of us.” Coco increased the stakes.

"Okay, deal." Li Jiaojiao stretched out her palm, "Let's high-five as proof."

“Okay.” The three little guys stretched out their palms to high-five Li Jiaojiao one by one.

“Keke, Dingding, Xiaoxiao, get up, it’s time to have breakfast.” At this time, Teacher Xiao Li called outside.

“Okay, we’ll be here soon.” With Li Jiaojiao’s help, the three little guys felt relieved. They quickly brushed their teeth and washed their faces before going down to have breakfast.

Li Jiaojiao also came down.

 In the dining room, the table was filled with sumptuous breakfast.

As soon as Li Jiaojiao sat down, she saw Shen Ning walking down wearing a **** short skirt, jacket and boots.

“Cousin, good morning.” Li Jiaojiao immediately greeted her with a smile.

 As soon as Shen Mei saw her, her heart sank.

 Why is this girl here?

  She has always been crazy and does things without any rules, fearing that it will ruin her good deeds. The most important thing is that she has a close relationship with Shen Ning and understands Shen Ning well...

"Hello, Jiaojiao." But on the surface, she still greeted her warmly.

“Cousin, come over and have breakfast.” Li Jiaojiao patted the chair next to her and looked at her with a smile.

The third child only said that she is their fake mother. From the appearance, she is exactly the same as Shen Ning. There is no difference. Are there people in this world who are so similar?

However, this woman's dressing style is really different from Shen Ning's.

Usually early in the morning, Shen Ning usually wears pajamas, plain and simple. Even if she wears fashionable clothes, she will not be as **** and enchanting as her. Moreover, Shen Ning has just given birth to two babies, and she still smells like a pregnant mother. She doesn't look like a woman who has given birth to a child at all. She only looks fashionable and elegant.

 It seems that it is entirely possible that Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiaoxiao are fake mothers. After all, the children are the mothers’ hearts. They know their mothers best and are also the mothers who are most qualified to judge them.

Shen Mei was very unhappy when she saw her eyes staring at her. She didn't want to go there at all, but out of sympathy, she walked over and sat down next to her.

"Hey, cousin, what kind of makeup are you using? It's so beautiful." As soon as she sat down, Li Jiaojiao looked at her face at close range and asked with a smile.

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