“Ahem, cough.” Shen Mei cleared her throat awkwardly and smiled, “It’s not a special brand, just Sulwhasoo from South Korea.”

"Ah, that, I really like it. When you apply it, your skin is really smooth and tender, like an eggshell." Li Jiaojiao was startled, "But, you have a little spot on the edge of your ear. How did you get rid of them? Now it looks like there are none at all. Cousin, please tell me, I also have spots on my face and I want to get rid of them."

Li Jiaojiao looked at the skin around her ears and smiled.

Shen Mei froze. During the plastic surgery, there were still marks on her ears. She couldn't have seen through them. Although she was smeared with thick makeup, who knew whether Li Jiaojiao had listened to the three little ones? If he looked at her like this on purpose, would she see him?

 For a moment, she was frightened.

"I went to the beauty salon to get it off." Shen Mei moved her body away and said with a forced smile.

"Wow, this beauty salon is so skilled. Tell me which one it is. I will also go for plastic surgery and make it look prettier. This way I can afford to marry a good man like my cousin." Li Jiaojiao He immediately asked enthusiastically which beauty salon he came from.

Shen Mei's eyelids twitched fiercely, but she couldn't avoid it. In desperation, she had no choice but to talk nonsense.

Li Jiaojiao pretended to be serious and immediately wrote it down.

"By the way, cousin, I remember you never liked makeup before. How come you started to like makeup after two days of not seeing each other? Gee, your makeup skills are so good, you really don't have a face at all. There is makeup on your face, and when I saw you just now, I almost didn't recognize you." Li Jiaojiao began to say again.

  The shadow area in Shen Mei's heart is rising rapidly. If this continues, she may discover the high technology on her face.

  After all, she has stayed abroad all year round and is very proficient in these high technologies.

 She lowered her head and started eating quickly, wanting to run away immediately.

Li Jiaojiao couldn't push things to the limit at once, so she just raised her head and blinked at the three little ones.

The three little ones were so happy. When they first saw Li Jiaojiao talking to Shen Mei so enthusiastically, Ding Ding was disdainful in his heart. However, he did not expect that as they talked, they clearly felt that Shen Mei was Feeling uneasy and fearful, she felt a fondness for Li Jiaojiao in her heart.

When Li Jiaojiao winked at them, he secretly gave her a thumbs up. Li Jiaojiao couldn't be happier.

“Aunt Jiaojiao, you are so awesome, I admire you so much.”

“Aunt Jiaojiao, we really found the right person. I didn’t expect you to be so smart.”

“Aunt Jiaojiao, you will be my idol from now on, and I will be proud of you.”


Before entering kindergarten, the three little ones pulled Li Jiaojiao and flattered her, and even Ding Ding couldn't help but praise her.

"Of course, an expert will know if it's there as soon as he takes action." Li Jiaojiao was in a very good mood and boasted about herself.

"Aunt Jiaojiao, you must take good care of our daddy for us. We must not let the fake mommy ruin our daddy. He fell asleep last night and that bad woman saw my daddy. Shine, I will definitely not let him go, you must keep him safe for us." Before going to kindergarten, the three little guys held Li Jiaojiao's hand and gave them instructions.

Li Jiaojiao was amused by their cute expressions.

Of course, if a woman really disguised herself as Shen Ning and got into the Li family, she would never stand idly by. After all, Li Wanqing was her aunt, and she had to protect her.

But when Li Zhenting woke up, he didn't feel very relaxed and comfortable. Instead, he felt a little dizzy, as if he couldn't wake up.

Last night, he didn't know what happened. He wanted to sleep as soon as he returned to the room. Then he fell asleep for some reason and didn't know anything anymore.

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