"Why are you worried? He is my husband and I don't worry about what will happen to him. What are you worried about? He is just too tired and wants to rest. Please leave quickly. If you don't leave, I will call the security guard to chase you away. A girl who has no idea of ​​self-respect and self-love is like living in other people's couples' rooms." Shen Mei was very angry and threatened her.

Li Jiaojiao was not afraid of death. Instead of leaving, she sat down.

"No, I think my cousin is acting like this because he drank aphrodisiac. I have to wait and see. If it doesn't work, call the doctor right away."

When Shen Mei heard this, her face turned black with anger.

“Cousin, why don’t you go see Xixi and Beibei, I’ll just keep an eye on my cousin here.” Li Jiaojiao smiled playfully at her and crossed her legs.

"Li Jiaojiao, please listen to me clearly. Zhenting is my husband and this is our bedroom. It is illegal for you to stay here as an outsider. Please leave immediately. Otherwise, I will call the police and have you arrested. "Shen Mei finally stopped pretending and showed a fierce expression.

But Li Jiaojiao was not afraid at all: "Okay, then you can call the police. I just want the police to see what happened to my cousin and whether he was plotted by bad people. I would like to see the police come." Who will be captured later?"

 Shen Mei suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

“Li Jiaojiao, let me ask you, what do you want to do? Do you want to break up my marriage with your cousin?”

"Hehe, I don't dare." Li Jiaojiao chuckled and looked her up and down, "I like my cousins ​​the most. I wish they could be in love with each other, but if anyone wants to ruin their marriage, I'm sorry. I will be the first to do so. I disagree." After saying that, she suddenly jumped up and jumped in front of Shen Mei, narrowed her eyes and looked at her, and asked sinisterly:

“Tell me, who are you? Why are you pretending to be my cousin?”

 Shen Mei was shocked when she heard this.

"What do you mean? You doubt me?"

“Yes, I doubted you, what’s the matter?”

"How dare you." Shen Mei jumped up and down, "You know? Lin Shoyu is my brother, and he doesn't even doubt me. How dare you, a yellow-haired girl, to doubt me? Who do you think you are?" "Hmph, I don't count. , but I know that you are not Shen Ning at all. Although your facial features are exactly the same as hers, your words and deeds are too different. But any normal person knows that you are fake, so I have to stay here and not let you go. If you succeed, tell me, what is your purpose of pretending to be my cousin? If you just want to sleep with my cousin, then I'm sorry, I will never let you get your wish today."

"You said I'm not Shen Ning, do you have any evidence?" Shen Mei sneered, "You can stop me? That's really arrogant. I advise you to mind your own business, otherwise, you won't know how you died. "

"Haha, then you think too highly of yourself. Let me tell you, I will take care of this matter." Li Jiaojiao stepped on the sofa and raised her hand, "If I get the evidence now, what do you think? Can you still stay here now? The police have come to arrest you a long time ago. However, it doesn't matter. I will find the evidence soon. I also advise you to be kind. Otherwise, there will never be any You'll end well, you hit Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao, and hurt your cousin's children, he will never let you go if he finds out, just wait to go to jail."

Shen Mei was frightened when she heard this.

"You **** girl, you are talking nonsense and crazy words. It seems that I am too good to you, so you dare to be so presumptuous in front of me." With a fierce light in her eyes, she rolled up her sleeves and faced Li Jiao Jiao rushed over to drag her out.

By now, she had no idea of ​​sleeping with Li Zhenting, as long as she could pick up his finger to stamp and sign while he was asleep.

 She can't delay it any longer, she must complete this task.

Li Jiaojiao is certainly not a good person.

When Shen Mei rushed toward her and tried to drag her, she nimbly dodged it, grabbed her arm with her backhand, and Shen Mei was pulled and fell onto the sofa.

Li Jiaojiao took the opportunity to stand up and glared at her condescendingly: "Either you get out, or I drag you out, it's your choice."

"You, you..." Shen Mei wanted to kill Li Jiaojiao at this moment.

"What am I, you are just a fake. If you are wise, get out of here. I believe that my cousin will soon see through the truth about you and bring you to justice." Li Jiaojiao waved her big hand again and rushed over to drag you up. She pulled her outside.

Shen Mei was no match for her and could only be pulled away by her.

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