"Li Jiaojiao, you bitch, I won't let you go." Li Jiaojiao swung Shen Mei out hard, threw her into the corridor, and locked the door with a bang.

Shen Mei was thrown so hard that her buttocks were sore. She got up, angry and cursing.

But she had nothing to do with Li Jiaojiao. At noon, she put some sleeping pills in Li Zhenting's wine glass. If the police were called and found out, she would be the only one unlucky, so she had to walk outside.

 In a dark and dilapidated warehouse.

Shen Ning was lying on the ground dying.

 The door is open.

The woman in black walked in with a masked young man carrying a medicine box.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Ning asked angrily in a hoarse voice.

 “Hmph, I want your blood.” Lan Feiyun replied coldly.

"Evil man, let me out quickly, aren't you afraid of retribution?" Shen Ning scolded sternly.

"Retribution?" Lan Feiyun sneered disdainfully, "Only an incompetent person like you would believe in retribution. If people don't do it for themselves, heaven and earth will destroy them. If I don't do this, then there will really be retribution. I can only blame you for your bad fate. Now that you have met me, you should join a good family in your next life."

She laughed heartily, and after she finished laughing, she ordered the young man with the face covered: "Hurry up."

"Okay." The masked man agreed in a vague voice, then bent down in front of Shen Ning and took out the syringe.

Shen Ning struggled and said: "You dare to do these illegal things in broad daylight. One day the law will make you pay with blood."

"You are about to die and you still say these useless things. You deserve to suffer." Lan Feiyun was not moved at all. At this time, the man grabbed one of Shen Ning's arms.

 Shen Ning fought hard.

Lan Feiyun sneered, stepped forward and stepped on her arm to hold her down.

 “Hurry up.” She ordered the man.

Shen Ning still resisted with all her strength, and the man began to collect blood. However, due to her struggling, the man failed to **** her several times without success. "Bitch." Lan Feiyun knelt down and slapped Shen Ning hard, then cursed, "The more you resist, the more pain it will be. Now you are just a lamb to be slaughtered. I want your blood in many ways. You It's better to quietly let us finish drawing the blood, otherwise you will only suffer more torture. I just took your blood and sent it to the hospital for examination, nothing else."

Shen Ning had been so hungry that she was dizzy. After this slap, her eyes flashed fiercely and her mind became dizzy. Later, she lost consciousness of what they did.

 The young man quickly drew the blood, put it away, and stood up.

Lan Feiyun gave Shen Ning a cold look and took the man away.

 Li's Castle, two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Brother, I agree to do a paternity test with you." Shen Mei knocked on Lin Shoyu's guest room. As soon as Lin Shoyu opened the door, she said sweetly.

"Okay." Lin Shoyu was very happy to hear this, "Then let's do it right away."

 “Well, okay.” Shen Mei smiled and nodded.

 “Let’s go, I’ll take you there.”

 The two of them walked downstairs.

"Brother, go to the First People's Hospital of the city for a paternity test." In the car, Lin Shoyu drove, Shen Mei suggested.

"Okay, okay." Lin Shoyu had stayed in the United States for many years and didn't know much about the imperial capital. He believed whatever Shen Mei said.

Shen Mei smiled slightly: "Just turn left at this traffic light and drive forward."

Lin Shoyu immediately turned the steering wheel and the car turned to the left.

Shen Mei picked up her phone and sent Lan Feiyun a message.

Soon, Lan Feiyun replied: Everything is ready, just go and find Aunt Liu.

Shen Mei smiled and put down her phone.

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