
 “Where is Daddy?” Keke, Dingding and Xiaoxiao would always ask everyone they met as soon as they came back.

"Your dad was here just now. Go and take a look in the back garden." Sister Wang replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Coco ran towards the back garden.

Li Zhenting went downstairs and looked for Shen Ning everywhere. The scene in his dream was vivid in his eyes, and the blood in his body was solidified.

Since he came back yesterday, he has been a little disgusted with Shen Ning's words and deeds. He has been lukewarm towards Shen Ning. Could it be that she called him in her dream because she was unhappy.

At this point, he seemed to understand the meaning of what Lin Shoyu said to him!

 He felt very guilty and decided to find Shen Ning, wanting to hold her tightly in his arms and give her love!

But he looked around downstairs and didn't see Shen Ning's figure. He was a little frightened for a moment, worried that something might happen to her, so he came to the back garden.

 After all, the last time something happened to Shen Ning happened in the back garden.

 But he walked around the back garden and couldn't find Shen Ning, so he had to come back.

"Daddy." As soon as he walked to the back garden, he heard a clear little milky voice. When he looked up, he saw Coco running towards him, shouting.

 Seeing his son, Li Zhenting felt a sense of fulfillment and warmth in his empty and deserted heart.

 “Coco.” He shouted, went up and picked up his son.

"Daddy." Keke was held in his arms by his father, but before he could enjoy his father's love, he said hurriedly, "I have something to tell you."

"What are you talking about?" Li Zhenting kissed his son's tender face and asked warmly with a smile.

“Daddy, let’s go over there and talk.” Coco said as she glanced at the rest chair under the remote tree over there.

 “Okay.” Li Zhenting smiled, hugged Coco and walked over there.

"Daddy, Mommy is gone." Coco said immediately as they sat down on the lounge chair.

Li Zhenting's eyelids twitched and he asked nervously: "Keke, what do you mean? What do you mean mommy is missing?"

He was looking for Shen Ning. When his son said this, an ominous premonition quickly came to his mind and his face turned pale.

"Daddy, our biological mother has been missing for two days. Please go find her quickly. I'm so anxious." Coco's nose was red and there were tears in her eyes.

Li Zhenting was confused when he heard this:

“Keke, your mommy is still at home today, how come she hasn’t been seen for two days?”

"Daddy, the mommy in our house now is a fake mommy. She is not our real mommy. Our real mommy has been missing for two days." Coco explained immediately.

Li Zhenting's heart sank and he was completely confused.

"Keke, are you talking nonsense? Your mommy has been at home these two days. How can she be a fake mommy? She just disappeared a while ago. I am also looking for her, but don't worry, she must be It won't disappear." He was really anxious when he heard Coco said that Shen Ning was missing, but the little guy actually said that their mommy had been missing for two days, which made him feel that what the little guy said was unreliable.

But Coco shook her head: "No, Daddy, the mommy I'm talking about is not the mommy at home now. She is fake and pretending to be a mommy. Our real mommy has disappeared and I don't know where she went. You should hurry up and find her, otherwise it will be too late."

 Li Zhenting looked at Coco.

The little guy looked serious, and it definitely didn’t look like he was telling lies.

An idea flashed in his mind, he narrowed his eyes and asked, "Keke, since you say that the mommy in our family is a fake mommy, is there any evidence?"

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