“Yes.” The little guy sat up straight and was very sure.

Li Zhenting’s eyes were sharp.

Coco cleared her voice and explained everything that happened during this period in detail.

In the end, he had tears in his eyes: "Daddy, not only do I think she is a fake mommy, but Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao also think so. Yesterday, we told her in the living room, but no one believed us."

Li Zhenting was frightened.

 Ever since he came back yesterday, he felt that something was wrong, especially with Shen Ning.

After returning from this separation, Shen Ning's words and deeds made him feel very strange and even disappointed. Originally, he thought it was due to her amnesia and didn't think much about it.

 But now after hearing what Coco said, he felt more and more suspicious.

"Daddy, do you believe us?" Coco kept staring at him, fearing that Daddy wouldn't believe them either.

"Of course I believe you." Li Zhenting's eyes fell on the little guy's face, he stroked it, and his tone was gentle.

“That’s great, go and save mommy quickly. Mommy is gone now. She must have been killed by bad people. I’m so scared.” Coco urged, tears shining in her big eyes.

Li Zhenting's narrow eyes flashed with a cold light, and he hugged Coco tightly.

"Cousin, what Keke said is true. The current cousin-in-law is definitely not Shen Ning." At this moment, Li Jiaojiao came out from nowhere and spoke seriously.

It turned out that Li Jiaojiao was also preparing to find Li Zhenting to explain the situation clearly, but Li Zhenting had been sleeping all afternoon. When she walked out of Ji Qingshan's guest room to look for him, he had already gone downstairs. She came looking for him, but she didn't expect that Coco was approaching him. While Li Zhenting told these things, she stood behind him.

At present, Li Zhenting did not express his position immediately after hearing this, so she quickly came out to testify.

 After hearing Li Jiaojiao say the same thing, Li Zhenting asked in a deep voice:

“Jiaojiao, do you have any basis for saying this?”

 Shen Ning is his lover, and he would never want to hurt her.

Now Li Jiaojiao and Ke Ke are pointing the finger at Shen Ning. If he doesn't know what's going on and wrongly blames Shen Ning, it will be a great harm to Shen Ning. He is her lover and her only support. He is He would never do anything unprepared unless he could see it with his own eyes.

"Cousin, I spent the whole morning with her yesterday. Xixi and Beibei were crying and fussing over there, but she was indifferent and didn't even look at them. Based on this, she doesn't look like a mother. She doesn't look like her cousin-in-law anymore, and I looked carefully. Although her face was covered with thick makeup, there were traces of surgery on her ears. This means that she had plastic surgery to look like her cousin-in-law. , this woman’s behavior is frivolous and dissolute, she is not on the same level as her cousin, and she abuses Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao, and is only good to Lan Lan, these are all very suspicious points." Li Jiaojiao said, taking something from her pocket He took out a few bottles of cosmetics and handed them to Li Zhenting and said: "I took these bottles of cosmetics from her. I have asked Ji Qingshan to take some of them to extract fingerprints. You should be able to extract your cousin's fingerprints, right?" , if their fingerprints are not of the same person after comparison, then she must be a fake. Cousin, go find out quickly. She must have an ulterior motive in coming to the Li family by pretending to be her cousin-in-law. Now my cousin's whereabouts are unknown. If I don't take action, my cousin's life will be in danger." Li Jiaojiao was clear and clear, with a serious face.

Li Zhenting's whole body burst out with a murderous aura.

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