Outside the warehouse.

Li Zhenting rushed over quickly and began to look at it bit by bit, carefully examining every place.

 Through Coco's description and related monitoring, it was shown that Shen Ning disappeared after coming to the warehouse to take stock that day.

 A breakthrough must be found from here.

 At this point, Lengxue knew all the truth and was shocked.

 Shen Ning has disappeared!

 The Shen Ning in Li's old house is fake!

On this day, this sudden and unreasonable thing made Lengxue, who was traveling all over the country, unable to react or digest this fact.

 But after he reacted, he acted quickly.

 The two of them searched around the warehouse.

"Quick. Mr. Li, the flowers, plants and trees here have been trampled. The signs of damage are relatively new. It should have happened in the past few days." When Lengxue opened the flowers and trees in the warehouse, the trampled grass and broken The branches appeared in front of him. With his keen sense of smell, he immediately realized the problem and shouted to Li Zhenting.

Li Zhenting ran over quickly.

"Mr. Li, look, the footprints came from here. The bottom of the footprints is deep and has not yet dried." Lengxue pointed to several footprints and analyzed, "This footprint belongs to a man."

“Quickly measure the size of the footprints, protect the model, and call the police.” Li Zhenting ordered in a cold voice.

 “Okay.” Lengxue immediately got busy.

Li Zhenting continued to look forward along the footprints.

The footprints were looming and round and round. After a while, he looked up and saw that it was the mountain behind.

 When he saw the mountain behind him, Li Zhenting's face turned pale and his heart sank to the bottom.

 It’s the back mountain again!

 This nightmare place.

 All the disasters in his life came from here, and the same happened to his woman.

again and again!

 He clenched his fists and ran towards the back hill.

 But when he ran into the back mountain, he could no longer find any signs.

 He stood stupidly.

 Lengxue ran over after finishing his work. "Cold-blooded, immediately lead all the security guards to search for Shen Ning throughout the city. If you want to see the person alive, you want to see the body if he dies." Li Zhenting's cold eyes were filled with cold stars and he immediately ordered.

"Okay, Mr. Li, please stay calm and don't be sad. You must believe in the young mistress. Jiren has her own destiny, and she will be fine." Lengxue knew the importance of Shen Ning to Li Zhenting. After agreeing, he sincerely The ground consoled him.

At this time, Li Zhenting's face was ashen, his eyes were filled with a frightening cold light, and his expression was very scary.

 “Go quickly,” he shouted.

 “Okay.” Lengxue turned around and ran away.

“Steward Luo, Steward Qiu, come here immediately.” Li Zhenting immediately called the two housekeepers.

 Not long after, Butler Luo and Butler Qiu ran over quickly.

 “Pass the order, the entire Li family’s castle and the Li family’s old residence will be under martial law, and extra manpower will be deployed to guard them.” Li Zhenting walked out, giving instructions as he walked.

"Mr. Li." As he spoke, the security captain hurried over.

"Captain Liu, from today onwards all persons who enter the Li family's old residence and the Li family's castle will be registered in detail. If there is any suspicion, report it to me immediately." Li Zhenting ordered in a cold voice.

 “Okay, Master.”

“Ah.” When everyone was in their positions, Li Zhenting roared and punched the tree trunk hard.

 Anger and anxiety transformed him beyond recognition, and he could not stop being angry.

His beloved woman has suffered so much during this period, but now her life or death is uncertain. He really deserves to die!

 Li's Group.

Shen Mei walked in slowly carrying Shen Ning's small shoulder bag.

"Hello, Madam." When the two ladies at the front desk saw Shen Ning, they were all surprised. They immediately stood up and greeted politely.

"Well, okay." Shen Mei raised her head slightly, walked on cat steps, nodded slightly, and walked in with a delicate smile on her lips.

 The lady at the front desk immediately called the secretary.

“Hello, young lady.” After hearing the news, the secretary manager immediately greeted her warmly and politely, with a smile on her face.

"Well, I'm going to Mr. Li's office." Shen Mei nodded slightly, with a proud attitude.

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