“Young lady, Mr. Li has not been in the office recently.” The secretary manager immediately reminded politely.

Shen Mei frowned, the tips of her eyebrows were cold: "I know, my husband is not here, so can't I come?"

"Yes, of course I can." The secretary-manager's face turned pale and he did not dare to say anything more.

"Open the door." Shen Mei stood in front of the door of the president's office and ordered.

“Young lady, the door to Mr. Li’s office is locked by a fingerprint. Except for him, we can’t open the door.” The secretary manager replied cautiously.

"How is that possible?" Shen Mei's face darkened, "Don't think that I don't know that I have a spare key or a second way to open the door. Otherwise, what if something urgent happens?"

"Young lady, Mr. Li has explained that no one can open his office door privately, and the spare key is not in our secretary's office. Please call Mr. Li directly first." The secretary manager was polite but very polite. Sticking to their principles, they really did not dare to open Li Zhenting's office and had no right to do so.

 Shen Mei's eyes flashed with fierceness, but it passed quickly.

"Okay, I'll call him later." She turned and walked upstairs.

Finance Office.

"Hello, young lady." Shen Mei came to the finance manager's office. Manager Yang was surprised when he saw her and immediately stood up to greet her.

Shen Mei walked in with a smile.

"Manager Yang, I just made a temporary purchase of a batch of wedding preparation lists nearby. The housekeeper and finance of Li's old house didn't come with me. I have to go to Li's Group to get an IOU first, and then let the finance there transfer it. .”

Manager Yang was startled when he heard this.

The finances of Li's old house and the finances of Li's Group are completely different. Can it be done like this?

Family has its own rules, and the company also has its own rules and regulations. Manager Yang has been in the financial office of Li Group for so long and has never encountered such a thing before. For a moment, he ran out of ideas.

"What? Manager Yang, can't you?" Seeing that he didn't speak, Shen Mei raised her eyebrows and asked displeasedly, "Now that the old man is dying, I am the hostess of the house and I have already started to prepare related matters. Just now, things were urgent. , I didn’t bring any money at the time, so now I can transfer some money to make a living, can’t this be accommodated? And it’s not like I keep the money for myself, it’s for the old man’s funeral. Isn’t it okay for him to use this little money?”

After finishing the conversation, Manager Yang didn’t dare to refuse. He immediately asked with a smile on his face: “Young lady, how much do you want?”

"It's not much, just one hundred thousand. The country that the old man has won in his lifetime, let alone one hundred thousand, is one million or ten million. It is still worth it."

"Of course, of course, young lady, I will ask the cashier to transfer the money to you right away. Please sit down and wait for a moment." Manager Yang immediately agreed.

With this amount of money, even if Shen Ning doesn't pay back, he can still pay for it out of his own pocket as a substitute. Shen Ning is the woman Li Zhenting cares about.

The young lady of the dignified Li family, and it’s because of the old man’s affairs. If she insists on refusing to give her even this small amount of money, she is really ignorant.

 At this moment, he didn’t have any hesitation anymore.

"Thank you, but, Manager Yang, although I am the young lady of the Li family, it is nothing to withdraw some money, but the Li Group is a company, and I am misappropriating it privately. I still have to act in accordance with the regulations. I can't embarrass you on this point. I still have the self-awareness, so let’s do it this way, there must be no less formalities. You call them, and I will go find them myself and follow the rules and regulations. This saves time and trouble, and I still have to rush to do things.”

 Manager Yang was happy when he heard this.

Shen Ning was so considerate and considerate, which showed that she really came here to transfer money because of an urgent need. She immediately smiled and said, "Young lady, I'm sorry for you. If you are in a hurry, do whatever you want."

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