"Well, thank you." Shen Mei nodded, smiled charmingly at Manager Yang, and walked towards the door.

Manager Yang followed closely and personally sent her to the cashier's room.

 With Manager Yang's intervention, Shen Mei obtained the relevant procedures without any problems.

"Mr. Yang, do you need Mr. Li's official seal here?" Shen Mei asked, pointing to the last column.

"Yes, in principle, it is required, but Mr. Li is not in the company these days. His official seal should be carried with him or in the president's office..." Manager Yang pondered, and when he was about to dispense with this item, he didn't want to let Shen Mei He smiled and said: "Manager Yang, Mr. Li has been back to Li's old house for two days. Because there is a business order that needs his seal, and the old man can't do without him, he asked Lengxue to take his official seal with him. It's time to go back to the president. Now you just need to ask the secretary's office to open the door to the president's office. I'll go in and stamp it, and then I can come over. The procedures are complete."

Upon hearing this, Manager Yang quickly replied: "Okay, you go down, I'll call the secretary's office right away."

“Thank you.” Shen Mei smiled sweetly and walked towards Li Zhenting’s office with the application form in hand, an unpredictable smile appearing on her lips.

Lan Feiyun called her yesterday to tell her that it was not enough to just sign and fingerprint the 30% equity contract of Li Group, it had to be stamped with the official seal of President Li Zhenting.

But she couldn't find it in Li Zhenting's briefcase after searching for a whole day, which meant that his official seal was placed in the president's office of the Li Group and would not be placed anywhere else except these two places.

This was the real reason why she came to Li Zhenting's office of the Li Group. As for the 100,000 yuan, did she lack the money? Of course she didn't take it seriously.

The purpose is nothing more than to enter Li Zhenting's office, steal his CEO seal, and then go back and have him fingerprint his signature without anyone noticing, and it will take effect.

 She walked confidently and lightly towards the president's office downstairs.

This time, the secretary manager stood at the gate to greet her.

"Young mistress." Seeing her, the secretary manager was a little embarrassed and laughed with her, "I'm sorry, my duty does not allow me to open the door to the president's office for you privately. Just now, Manager Yang of the Finance Office called. Then, Manager Fang of the Marketing Department immediately called He will come over and we will open the door for you together.”

Shen Mei smiled: "It doesn't matter. You are also serious and responsible. I don't blame you."

 The secretary and manager laughed together, and soon, Manager Fang came over.

Together they brought Shen Ning a spare key and opened the door to the president's office. "You guys wait for me outside. I'll go in, stamp it, and leave. I'm in a hurry, and they're still waiting for me to pay." Shen Mei said to them and walked inside.

 The secretary manager and manager Fang had to stand outside and wait, not daring to leave.

Shen Mei strode in.

Li Zhenting's office was domineering and solemn. The moment Shen Mei walked in, she seemed to see Li Zhenting's stern and cold eyes. She felt guilty and chilled for a moment.

But the more this happens, the more she has to speed up her plan. After all, Li Jiaojiao and Coco already know that she is a fake identity, and there is not much time left for her.

She was very familiar with Li Zhenting's office. Not long after she walked over, she found the bright red seal, her eyes filled with greedy light.

She quickly took out the contract from her bag, stamped it, put it away, then slowly stamped the 100,000 yuan loan, took it and walked outside.

“Okay, thank you for your hard work.” She smiled and was very polite.

 “It’s not hard work, you should.” The secretary manager accompanied him with a smile.

"Secretary Li, here are the procedures that have been completed and my bank card account number. Please take it to the finance office and give it to Manager Chen. I have something else to do and I have to leave first." Shen Mei handed over the loan receipt stamped with Li Zhenting's official seal. I gave it to the secretary manager and walked away swaggeringly.

She had already finished her work, so she didn't want to send her upstairs in person.

"Okay, young lady, please go slowly." The secretary-manager took it and sent her off respectfully, with a strange look in his eyes.

 The young lady seemed to have an indescribable feeling.

 But how could she think otherwise.

 After saying goodbye to Manager Fang, he hurried up.

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