The old house of the Li family.

"Mommy." Shen Mei swaggered in. In the living room, Coco, Ding Ding, and Xiao Xiao were playing games on the sofa. The three little guys interacted closely, united and friendly, while Lan Lan sat on the side, licking her lips, and giving cold looks from time to time. Looking at them, their faces were full of disdain and arrogance. As soon as Shen Mei walked in, Lan Lan saw her and immediately cheered, climbed down from the sofa, stepped on her short legs, opened her arms, and Le Dian Dian ran towards her. .

"Lan Lan." Shen Mei took her hand, smiled, and led her towards the sofa.

 Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao didn’t even raise their heads.

"Keke, Dingding, Xiaoxiao, you three are playing games, why are you trying to isolate Lanlan?" Shen Mei was very unhappy and shouted at the three little ones.

 The three little ones didn't even look at her.

Shen Mei was so angry that she asked again.

 They answered loudly:

“Because she doesn’t have martial ethics, we don’t like to play with her.”

"Yes, her quality is too poor. She just acts like a fool if she can't play well."

“Tch, she’s so good at acting, and she’s also arrogant and disgusting. I hate looking at her.” Ding Ding finally swore and didn’t give any face.

 When Shen Mei heard this, she was furious.

"Little bastards, you are getting more and more bold. You don't even listen to seems you are itching." She pretended to hit them.

"Bah, you're not our mommy. You're a bad woman. Of course we won't listen to you. We only listen to our own mommy." But before she finished speaking, Keke answered angrily. .

Lan Lan saw her at the side and thought, "Okay, the three little ones are doing something terrible now. Not only do they not listen to her mother like before, but they also dare to scold her mother."

You really took the courage of a leopard!

She couldn’t watch her mother being disrespected by them. She wanted to protect her position, so she stood up immediately, put her hands on her waist, and said with utmost ferocity:

“Hmph, you are not allowed to call my mommy names. My mommy is not a bad woman, she is a good mommy. You are all bad children. If you don’t listen to adults, you should be beaten.”

"You are the one who should be beaten. He only bullies us every day. He can't do anything except eat. He is arrogant and unreasonable. He is just a bad boy." Xiaoxiao thought that her mother was gone. He was very angry, pointed at Lan Lan and scolded her.

The three little ones originally came back listless today. The little one was still sitting on the sofa crying, and they didn’t eat any cakes in the afternoon.

Coco and Ding Ding couldn't bear it. In order to make her happy, they invited her to play games, but they didn't expect to provoke them again.

"Xiaoxiao, how dare you call me a bad boy, how do you think I'll beat you?" Lan Lan was furious, believing that her mother was there, she rushed over and raised her palm to hit Xiaoxiao.

"Don't bully Xiaoxiao." When Coco and Dingding saw that Xiaoxiao was going to suffer, they immediately rushed to stop Xiaoxiao. One of them knocked off Lanlan's chubby hand, and the other kicked her.

After being beaten, Lan Lan was so angry that she sat down on the ground and cried loudly. While crying, she watched Shen Mei's misfortune with tears in her eyes, hoping that Shen Mei would help her get revenge.

Shen Mei didn't expect that the three little ones were becoming more and more courageous and dared to hit Lan Lan in front of her. She simply didn't take her seriously and of course she couldn't tolerate it.

"You little bitch, how dare you hit someone in front of me? Let's see how I deal with you." There happened to be a rolling pin next to her, so she picked it up and hit Coco and Ding Ding who were standing in front of Xiaoxiao.

Ding Ding was about to resist, but Coco held him back.

Looking at them, such a thick rolling pin was about to be hit on their heads.

 Coco was so scared that she closed her eyes.

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