"Mr. Li, please calm down. Lan Feiyun's goal has not been achieved yet. The young mistress's life safety is guaranteed for the time being. We still don't know if there are any accomplices inside. The police are here, so just listen to the police. "Of course Lengxue knew Li Zhenting's mood at this time. Shen Ning was everything to him. He would definitely not be able to calm down. But for his safety, he still held him.

"Get away." Li Zhenting was furious, pushed him away and ran inside.

"Mr. Li." Lengxue had no choice but to lead a few people and rush forward to protect him.

 They rushed to the gate.

 “Break open the door.” Li Zhenting shouted at Lengxue.

Lengxue took out his tools, and several young and strong men worked together to break down the door, and they broke in.

 The police also followed from behind.

 Then everyone worked together to start the search.

 Some people went upstairs and some were downstairs.

Li Zhenting has been to this villa before and is familiar with it.

 He ran towards the master bedroom first.

 The door to the master bedroom is open and there is even a light inside.


 There are people living here!

 He ran in.

 In the master bedroom, the bed was messy and clothes were scattered. It seemed that someone had been sleeping just now.

 He opened the quilt, and there was warmth inside.

This person must be Lan Feiyun.

 She followed!

 But where can a woman run in the middle of the night?

 It must be nearby!

 She can run, which means she is not alone and she must be worried about something.

Shen Ning must be here too.

The thought of Ning Ning being here made his blood boil and at the same time he was extremely worried.

Today, I have to save Shen Ning even if I risk my life.

 He quickly checked room by room. But in the end, even after checking the entire floor, there was no trace of Lan Feiyun, let alone Shen Ning.

The villa has three floors in total, and also includes an underground garage on the first floor.

Li Zhenting gradually investigated the underground garage.

The garage seems to be very simple. There are only two luxury cars parked there. One is a red Porsche that he bought for Shen Mei before. It must be broken. It looks like it has been left there for many years. There is a layer of dust on it. There is also a new car. He shined a bright light on the luxury car he bought, but there was no one inside.

Li Zhenting’s fingers clenched into fists, and his teeth were chattering.

  Two days and three nights have passed since Shen Ning entered the warehouse and disappeared that day.

How is she now?

"Mr. Li, is it possible that Lan Feiyun has escaped with the young lady?" Lengxue hurried over. Even an ant upstairs and downstairs was discovered by them. There can't be anyone here.

“Impossible.” Li Zhenting glanced at the luxury cars parked in the warehouse and flatly denied it.

It is basically impossible for Lan Feiyun to take Shen Ning away in such a short period of time, unless she drives, but the car is still parked here.

 He took out his mobile phone and looked at Lan Feiyun's WeChat account.

Just now, he had been looking for Lan Feiyun's mobile phone, but couldn't find it.

  In other words, she had the mobile phone with her.

"Lan Feiyun, I order you to hand over Shen Ning immediately, otherwise, Shen Mei will be dead." He sent a threatening message to Lan Feiyun.

 A long time passed with no reply.

 He continued to search around.


Just after he walked around the villa, he saw a ball of tissues dropped to the ground.

 He bent down and picked it up.

There are traces of wiping on it. It looks very new and has just been used.

His eyes flashed, and he searched around along the tissue paper.

 After a while

 He saw another bunch of tissues, and then he saw an abandoned room in the corner of the back stairs. The room was very small and could only accommodate two or three people.

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