Li Zhenting’s ears perked up and he immediately rushed forward.

 The warehouse door is locked.

“Cold-blooded.” He patted the warehouse door and turned on the strong light of his mobile phone to see signs that someone had lived inside. His eyelids jumped quickly and he immediately shouted, “Get the tools quickly.”

 Lengxue quickly ran over with tools.

“Break the lock on the iron door of this abandoned warehouse.” Li Zhenting ordered in a deep voice.

"Okay." For such a dilapidated warehouse, cold-bloodedness was not a problem. He picked up the tiger head and smashed the iron door lock three times and divided it by two.

 Li Zhenting rushed in.

 Lengxue turned on the flashlight.

The moment he rushed in, Li Zhenting smelled an unpleasant rancid smell.

 There is a basin in the ground with water and cold steamed buns.

Li Zhenting initially thought this was just a place where dogs were kept.

 But when I saw the steamed buns, my heart sank to the bottom.


 This is about people. Only people can eat steamed buns.

 For some reason, his heart felt like it was being pricked by thousands of steel needles, and his face changed color in pain.

There seemed to be a woman's smell in the small space. Although there was a rancid smell in the air, he still smelled a faint scent of grass, and of course another strong perfume that only women can smell.

Lan Feiyun and Shen Ning must have been here before!

 “Ning Ning.” He clenched his fists and shouted loudly.

 There is no sound.

"Ning Ning, where are you? I'm here!" Li Zhenting walked around the space, suddenly stopped, and shouted loudly.

He firmly believed that Shen Ning was still here. Although he saw no one, there was that smell in the air that he thought about day and night, and he kept shouting loudly.

Lan Feiyun took Shen Ning and hid in the underground kiln until Li Zhenting and Lengxue came in looking for her. At this moment, she was so scared that she almost lost her soul and her heart was beating fast.

Li Zhenting’s helpless, painful and persistent cry made the entire underground kiln tremble. She pinched Shen Ning. Fortunately, she was still in a coma and hadn't woken up. Otherwise, she would have been in trouble if she screamed.

 But if Li Zhenting refuses to leave and stays here, they will be discovered sooner or later.

 Her hand tightened on the dagger in her hand.

The WeChat message on the phone vibrated again.

 She glanced at the news, with a sneer on her lips.

Li Zhenting wanted to threaten Shen Mei, but she would not be fooled.

"Leng-blooded, dig the ground three feet into the ground. We must find Shen Ning today no matter what." Li Zhenting's voice was firm and powerful.

 “Okay.” Lengxue picked up the tiger’s head and slammed it to the floor.

The deafening sound shook the entrance of the underground kiln, and dust fell down.

"Ah, stop." When Lengxue hit the wooden board at the entrance of the kiln with another tiger head, a big hole was made in the wooden board. Lan Feiyun seemed to be able to see the bright white tiger head knife pointed at her. The head was so frightened that the three souls lost their seven souls and shouted.

"Stop it." Li Zhenting's heart was in his throat. He was worried about hurting Shen Ning, so he shouted to Lengxue to stop.

 Cold-bloodedly bent down and uncovered the wooden plank.

 A black hole is revealed.

In the black hole, a woman's face was looking at them in fear.

Li Zhenting recognized her at a glance.

It is Lan Feiyun.

 “Lan Feiyun, where is Shen Ning?” Li Zhenting shouted angrily.

Lan Feiyun was trembling all over, her fingers tightly holding the dagger, and her frightened eyes shot out with a ferocious light.

"Don't come over. I'll kill anyone who comes over." She suddenly lifted Shen Ning's head up and pointed the bright dagger at the main artery of Shen Ning's neck.

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