"What should I do? Your daughter is blocking the way, so I can't drive." At this time, the driver slowly turned to look at Lan Feiyun, looking helpless.

Lan Feiyun was so angry that she cursed, then opened the car window and shouted to Shen Mei: "Meimei, get out of the way, let mom go first, mom won't ignore you."

"No, Mom, unless you take me away, I won't get out of the way. I don't want to go to jail." Shen Mei cried and shouted, refusing to get out of the way even if she died.

"Meimei, if you don't obey me, don't blame your mother for being rude." After Lan Feiyun persuaded her daughter again, she saw that she was unmoved, anxious inside, and with a fierce light in her eyes.

"Mom, I would rather die here than go to jail. If you don't take me away today, you won't be able to leave." Shen Mei insisted on leaving with Lan Feiyun.

Lan Feiyun was furious. The time she agreed with the smugglers over there was coming soon, and she couldn't wait any longer. Otherwise, things would change.

 “Drive.” She shouted sharply.

 The driver’s eyes widened: “If I were to drive, I would kill her.”

“Drive, don’t worry so much.” Lan Feiyun closed the car window and gritted her teeth.

There is no other way. In order to survive, she has no choice but to do this. Who wants her to be ignorant? What about her daughter? If she is ruthless, she can even kill herself.

 But the driver dared to drive, he was still hesitant.

"Did you hear that? Drive, or I'll kill her." Lan Feiyun's eyes were red, and the hand holding the sharp knife was almost crazy.

 The driver saw Shen Ning's skin bleeding from the rearview mirror and panicked.

"Let's go." He gestured to Shen Mei to leave and started the car.

 Shen Mei was already stunned at this time.

The words "drive and leave her alone" came out of Lan Feiyun's mouth and directly reached Shen Mei's ears.

 Her heart was broken into pieces.

This is her mother, the greatest mother in the world, who is willing to let others kill her for the sake of her own life.

 What is the meaning of her life?

All the best things in the world seemed to be so ugly at this moment. Motherly love and family affection were gone at this moment, only the unkindness that chilled her heart.

 The car started and rushed towards her.

 She stood motionless. "Do you want to die?" Li Zhenting rushed over and threw her aside. Shen Mei couldn't stand and was thrown heavily and fell to the ground.

 The car drove forward.

“Hurry, let’s drive up and follow him.” Li Zhenting shouted at Leng Xue.

 The cold-blooded car immediately followed.

Li Zhenting opened the car door and got in.

"Keep a certain distance and keep up with them." Li Zhenting was anxious and insisted not to let the police car behind him follow them for fear of irritating Lan Feiyun.

Just like that, the two cars drove towards the seaside one after the other.

 Forty minutes later, the car stopped at the seaside.

 The cold-blooded car stopped a certain distance away from Lan Feiyun's car.

Li Zhenting got out of the car and saw a car parked on the beach, obviously coming to pick up Lan Feiyun.

 He ran over quickly.

"Lan Feiyun, the person to pick you up is here. Let Shen Ning go quickly." Li Zhenting shouted to Lan Feiyun.

 Lan Feiyun looked at the speedboat parked on the beach, a sinister smile appeared on her lips.

As soon as she got on the speedboat, she was safe.

 Since then, she can live peacefully in Singapore.

 She won in the end, and everyone was defeated in her hands.

She dragged Shen Ning around and put the dagger against Shen Ning's carotid artery. As she stepped back, she looked at Li Zhenting warily and shouted: "Stop, don't go forward. If you go forward, I will kill you first." She runs again."

Li Zhenting had to stop when he heard this and did not dare to move.

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