“Haha, Li Zhenting, Shen Ning, you are here too. I have told you a long time ago that you are no match for me.” Seeing that she was about to retreat to the speedboat and be rescued, Lan Feiyun got carried away.

Li Zhenting’s eyes were like lightning, his ears were twitching, and his brain was running rapidly.

If Shen Ning can't be rescued, what's the point of living for him?

And if he lets go of this vicious woman Lan Feiyun, will he be worthy of Shen Ning and the children?

His eyes flashed, and he was about to jump over and die with Lan Feiyun.


 A woman's figure rushed out from the side and rushed towards Lan Feiyun like an arrow from a string.

"Mom, if you don't take me away, then you can't leave either." Shen Mei rushed out from nowhere and rushed over before Li Zhenting and hugged Lan Feiyun.

Lan Feiyun has already stepped onto the speedboat with one foot.

But she never dreamed that her daughter would rush over at this moment. In surprise, Shen Ning let go of her hand and fell down.

"Ning Ning." Li Zhenting arrived shortly afterwards. Seeing Shen Ning's body slipping from Lan Feiyun's hands and about to fall into the sea, he rushed up and grabbed one of her arms with one hand.

Shen Ning was still in a coma and had no consciousness at all. The sand was slippery, and Li Zhenting's body followed Shen Ning's body and slid towards the sea.

"Ah." Li Zhenting roared, and pushed his toes **** the beach. Finally, they were embedded in the sand and stones, and he controlled Shen Ning's body from sliding down.

"Mr. Li, be careful." At this moment, Lengxue rushed up, holding Li Zhenting with one hand and Shen Ning with the other.

 Pluck them all away from the seaside.

But when Shen Mei rushed over to hug Lan Feiyun, Lan Feiyun was shocked. She stepped into the speedboat with one foot, and the other foot was still on the shore. Being hugged by Shen Ning, she could not stand steadily and fell towards the sea. go.

Seeing that she was about to fall into the sea, Shen Mei didn't care about her life or death. Instead, she stepped on her hand and jumped to the speedboat.

In desperation, Lan Feiyun grabbed the edge of the speedboat with both hands and cursed at Shen Mei: "Damn girl, you are crazy, pull me up quickly."

Shen Mei huddled on the boat and just looked at her coldly.

Lan Feiyun was frightened and climbed on the boat with all her strength.

 But because he wore too many clothes and was old, he couldn't climb up.

"Meimei, hurry up, pull mom up." She shouted anxiously to Shen Mei.

 But Shen Mei still just looked at her, indifferent.

"Meimei, please help mom." After struggling a few more times, Lan Feiyun still couldn't climb onto the boat, so she had to plead with Shen Mei who was sitting in the boat.

Shen Mei looked at her and sneered: "Mom, you have benefited so much from me in this life, but you looked at me and refused to save me, and even let a car hit me to death. Now, what shame do you have? Do you want me to save you?"

Lan Feiyun's face turned red and white, but her whole body was soaked in the sea water, her body became heavier and heavier, and the strength of her arms became weaker and weaker.

“Meimei, please, mom is wrong, pull mom up quickly, let’s go to Singapore to live a good life together.” She begged bitterly.

But at this time, Shen Mei was very calm and looked at her: "Mom, only now did you think of taking me to a good life, but it's a pity that it's too late. If you hadn't used me and kept forcing me to go... I had a good life by doing those bad things, but you ruined it for me. I'm sorry, I don't want to live such a good life anymore."

 At this time.

By the beach, Lengxue ran towards this side after rescuing Li Zhenting and Shen Ning.

 The situation is very critical.

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