“Hurry, sail the boat quickly.” Shen Mei stood up and shouted towards the bow of the boat, “If we let them chase us, none of us will survive.”

  The speedboat driver also realized the danger and started the engine.

Lan Feiyun's face was ashen, and she begged with fear: "Meimei, please, please give me a hand. From now on, my mother will serve you like a cow or a horse."

Shen Mei sneered and said: "Okay, Mom, there is only one place here. If I pull you up, you will definitely have to push me down. I'm sorry, you are older than me and have lived longer than me, so you have to go first." Go see God and don’t worry, I will come to you later.”

 “You beast, you’re a traitor, I gave birth to you in vain.” Lan Feiyun’s eyes were scarlet and she cursed loudly.

Shen Mei sat as if nothing had happened, looking coldly at the dying Lan Feiyun.

Lan Feiyun knew that her death day was coming, and her ashen face was full of fear. She tried her best to climb up.

 But the speedboat has already left.

She widened her eyes and tried her best to fight with her last strength. She actually squeezed her upper body up and put it on the side of the ship like a dead dog. In this way, as long as she regained her strength from behind, she still had a chance to climb out.

Shen Mei’s face was filled with fear.

 No one knows her mother's viciousness better than she does. As long as she takes a breath, she will definitely be the first one who won't forgive her.

 After all, she must have been hating her for not saving her.

Moreover, as long as she reaches a quota, she will definitely not care about the mother-daughter relationship between them, and the moment she ordered the car to hit her to death, her heart was already dead.

 She has no self, this is her basic consciousness!

 She stood up suddenly, rushed over with her eyes closed, and kicked her.

Lan Feiyun never expected that she would die at the hands of her own daughter in the end. Before falling into the sea, she stared at this cruel daughter with wide eyes. Her viciousness was exactly the same as hers.

The seawater poured in and she sank completely to meet God.

 When Shen Mei opened her eyes, Lan Feiyun was no longer on the side of the ship.

Even though her eyes were closed, when her foot kicked her body, her whole body was trembling.

She looked at the unfathomable sea water and suddenly burst out laughing, tears streaming down her face.

Lengxue stood on the shore and witnessed this scene with his own eyes, feeling terrified. When Lan Feiyun ordered the driver to hit Shen Mei to death with his car, he was already amazed. Now Shen Mei not only refused to save his mother, but kicked her off the boat, which can be regarded as seeing the evil of human nature.

 The speedboat headed towards the sea.

at this time

 There was a roaring sound overhead.

Shen Mei raised her head and saw a drone hovering above their heads.

“Bring the speedboat to the shore immediately, otherwise, we will bomb you.” The police’s voice came from the sea level. After three consecutive shouts, bullets were fired at the speedboat.

The driver was so frightened that he had no choice but to park the speedboat toward the seaside.

 Shen Mei slumped on the boat with a face ashen as death.

But when Li Zhenting picked up Shen Ning, Shen Ning's whole body was like charcoal, running a high fever, and her thin body was like a piece of paper that could fly when the sea breeze blew.

He was heartbroken, hugged her tightly and ran towards the coast.

Not long after I ran away, I felt that there were chains around me, which was very inconvenient.

 He lowered his head and his eyes widened.

 I saw that Shen Ning's limbs were tied with iron chains, and his wrists were bleeding.

"Ah." He trembled all over, hugged her tightly, knelt down, and wailed loudly.

On this day, his woman was tortured into this state!

 He is so incompetent!

The heartbreaking pain made him unable to even stand up, and the anger in his heart surged out like sea water.

If Shen Ning hadn't been seriously ill, he would have been the first to rush forward and kill that hateful mother and daughter!

 But her rationality told her that Shen Ning's illness was very serious and needed immediate treatment!

He gritted his teeth, forced himself to get up on his knees, hugged her and ran towards the car.

Along the way, he ran through red lights and sent Shen Ning to the hospital as quickly as possible.

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