"Xixi, Beibei, be good, don't cry. Mommy is fine now, and she will be able to play with you in a few days." Xiaoxiao stepped forward and touched their little hands in a sensible way, "I will let mommy have more fun in the future." Those who accompany you will never be jealous again."

"Beibei, you are a little man. You can't cry all the time when you don't see mommy. It's so unmanly." Coco also stroked Beibei's face and said.

The two little guys seemed to feel the love of their brothers and sisters. They stopped crying and actually started laughing and dancing with their hands and feet.

Li Wanqing felt sad and sad when she heard this. The little ones were so sensible, but she couldn't identify the bad guys.

"Let's go, I'll take you to visit your mommy. You must wake up your mommy today." She held their little hands and told the two special nurses: "You also hold the joy of happiness. Xi and Beibei come with me."

"Okay." The two special guards had already heard about Shen Ning and were very sympathetic. They had always wanted to visit him. Li Wanqing said this and happily agreed.

 The group of people walked towards the inpatient department.

 In the ward.

Shen Ning was lying quietly. The beautiful appearance on her pale face was still so touching, but it was too nihilistic and pale. Her thin body was like a piece of paper, which was heartbreakingly beautiful.

Li Zhenting hugged her tightly.

He has held her like this for three days and nights, talking to her and keeping her warm. Her heart had gone from an undetectable slight beat to much stronger now.

 But she still couldn't wake up.

“Mommy.” Suddenly, the ward door was pushed open, and Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao ran in.

 Later, Li Wanqing came in, and soon after, two special guards walked in, each holding a child.

 “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.” Coco, Ding Ding and Xiaoxiao shouted as they gathered in front of their mommy.

 But Shen Ning was lying on the bed without any reaction.

 “Mommy.” Xiaoxiao burst into tears first.

At this time, Mommy was so thin and weak, as if she was dead. The little girl couldn't accept it, and she was the first to cry sadly.

"Mommy." Coco touched Shen Ning's hand, and her eye circles quickly turned red, but he was a little man and couldn't cry. If he cried, he couldn't set an example.

Ding Ding was immediately frightened by such a mother. The usually gentle and amiable mother could turn out to be so lifeless. He couldn't accept it and wiped his tears quietly.

Xixi and Beibei looked at Mommy, waving their little hands towards her from time to time. When they saw Mommy ignoring them, they curled their lips and burst into tears.

 The ward was filled with the cries of the little ones, so miserable!

Li Zhenting was even more ashamed.

He once said that he would protect her and prevent her from being wronged even a little bit, but now he almost killed her. This was not just a little wronged, it was a catastrophic disaster.

 He felt remorse and pain for his own incompetence.

Li Wanqing came up and sat on the bedside, holding Shen Ning's hand.

 Thinking about my misunderstanding of her, I felt very sad.

 At that time, after she was misunderstood by him, she tried hard to express herself in front of her. She got up so early to make breakfast for her, and was humble to her in every way. She suffered so many grievances, but she didn't know how to defend herself.

 What a wonderful wife!

 But she doesn’t know how to cherish it, doesn’t know what’s wrong, and doesn’t know whether it’s true or false!

In fact, the daughter-in-law she had been optimistic about from the beginning has never changed. She is still the same person, but she was too good and was framed.

 Her tears were very bitter.

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