"Ning Ning, wake up, okay? The children are here to see you. They are talking to you and calling you." Li Zhenting's warm fingers gently touched Shen Ning's cheek and said softly, " They cried when they saw you lying like this, please wake up and comfort them, the children all miss you."

“Mommy, please wake up quickly, I want to eat the food you cooked.”

"Mommy, I'm afraid of the dark at night, can you wake up and stay with me?" Small tears fell in big drops, and I cried hard.

"Mommy, didn't you say you would stay with me more in the future? You haven't stayed with me yet. I want you to wake up and stay with me." Ding Ding also held her hand and begged.

Xixi and Beibei curled their lips and cried louder.

"Ning Ning, I'm sorry, I wronged you. Please wake up. I don't have a daughter. I have always treated you as my daughter. In the future, I will treat you as my dearest daughter. I will I am a thousand times better to you than to my son." Li Wanqing was heartbroken.

 The two special guards also shed tears.

 There was sadness in the ward.

Not long after, the door to the ward opened, and Li Jiaojiao dragged Ji Qingshan in.

"Professor Ji, what I said is right, that one is from the fake cousin." Li Jiaojiao shouted at Ji Qingshan, "You, a famous doctor, got drugged by her and you don't know what happened. Let me tell you. , I still don’t believe that now that my cousin-in-law has become like this, you are half responsible."

Ji Qingshan felt very wronged when he heard this.

That day he really didn't detect the ingredients of sleeping pills in the wine. That was because he was too hungry and only focused on eating food.

But Shen Ning lives in the Li family, and she is the daughter-in-law of the Li family. It would be too far-fetched to blame him for what happened now!

"Are you done?" He threw her arm away, "Shen Ning is married to Li Zhenting. The responsibility lies with your Li family. What does it have to do with me?"

"Why is it none of your business?" Li Jiaojiao said angrily, "My cousin was hit **** the head and lost her memory. I left it to you, a quack doctor, but she still hasn't been cured after so long of treatment. If she is cured and my cousin is clear-headed, How could she marry my cousin again? If she hadn't married my cousin, this wouldn't have happened. Do you think I should blame you? "

“…” Ji Qingshan was speechless in retorting.

"So, from now on, you will organize a team of experts for me to treat my cousin sister-in-law's illness. If the disease cannot be cured, the villa my cousin gave you, cash, etc. will all belong to me."

“…” Ji Qingshan opened his mouth and his face turned dark.

  That’s not true! Even if he couldn't cure Shen Ning's disease, why should he give her all the rewards?

 Just because she can roar?

 “Crazy.” He scolded her, not even bothering to argue with her.

Li Zhenting listened with shame.

If Shen Ning had not lost her memory and only had their beautiful love in the past in her mind, how could she have remarried him regardless. There is nothing wrong with this. Li Jiaojiao was actually talking about him.

 He is self-aware!

"Professor Ji, Ning Ning's examination is normal now, except for some skin injuries, but she just can't wake up. Can you see if there is something wrong with her brain?" Li Zhenting requested sincerely.

“I have already called Professor Aiweier, and he will come over on a special plane soon.” Ji Qingshan nodded.

  He was also very worried about Shen Ning's situation.

 For him, Shen Ning is his sister who he carefully framed and will never allow anything to happen to her.

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