Li Wanqing hesitated for a moment and decided not to hide it anymore.


 She told the old lady the general situation of the whole matter.

"Hey, this girl Ning Ning really didn't have a good life in our Li family. Is it because she is at odds with Zhen Ting, or is it because our Li family is incompetent? I really mistreated her." The old lady shed tears after hearing this.

Li Wanqing's heart was heavy and she whispered: "Mom, it's my fault here. I didn't identify the bad guy."

"Hey, if the bad guys are determined to cause damage, they will definitely not be noticed easily. All in all, this is our Li family's problem. It should be said that our Li family's virtues are too shallow and our people are not kind, so kind people will be let out. There is no good reward, and the bad guys succeed many times. It seems that in the future, we will have to do more good deeds and accumulate virtue. I hope that Zhenting can try his best to make up for Ning Ning and let her live a happy life." The old lady sighed, speaking with sincerity, "Wan Qing, Even though your dad is going to die, he is like a mirror in his heart and knows everything. He refuses to close his eyes because he is waiting for Shen Ning."

“Mom, I understand.” Li Wanqing lowered her head and felt guilty.

As soon as she lowered her head, the old lady saw that she had a lot of white hair on her head during this period. Her once well-maintained face now looked haggard, and she felt uncomfortable.

During this period, the old man was seriously ill, and she was also working hard. It was really **** her.

"Wanqing, you don't have to be too anxious. Everything is over now. I believe everything will be fine." She comforted her softly.

"I hope so." Li Wanqing smiled bitterly, talked to her again before leaving.

As soon as she walked into the living room, she bumped into someone.

As soon as the man saw it was her, he immediately turned around and left.

"Sister-in-law." Li Wanqing saw her at first sight, and her anger suddenly rose, and she immediately shouted coldly.

Liang Ruqi’s eyes dodged and she had no choice but to stand still.

“Why are you leaving before you go in?” Li Wanqing asked with a sneer.

Liang Ruqi turned around with a smile on her face, completely different from her usual smile, and wanted to talk to Li Wanqing in a sinister manner.

"It turns out to be my sister-in-law. I'm sorry, I didn't see clearly just now. I thought it was a relative from somewhere." She shouted, "I have already visited my dad. He has been in good spirits these days. I was afraid that he would If he is asleep, I don’t dare to go in and disturb him.”

 Looking at her lying so naturally, Li Wanqing was really convinced. This woman's face is really thicker than the city wall!

"Well, I thought you saw Shen Ning meeting some man to complain to me." She said sarcastically.

"Cough, cough." Liang Ruqi cleared her voice, "Sister-in-law, I didn't know that Shen Ning's matter would be so complicated. I never thought that there would be someone who looked exactly like her in this world. , there will be people who dare to pretend to be her and sneak into our Li family. This can’t be entirely blamed on me. I just saw the surface and didn’t think much about it. At that time, I was only thinking about the reputation of the Li family. I wanted to tell you and try to minimize the loss. I don’t have any bad intentions.”

"Hehe." Li Wanqing said "hehe", "It seems that I have to thank you for your kindness. During that time, you complained to me when you saw me, because you were afraid that I wouldn't worry about Shen Ning until she was beaten to death."

Liang Ruqi smiled and said sarcastically: "Sister-in-law, you didn't see it either. Shen Ning is your daughter-in-law. You can't tell the truth from the lie, so how can you blame me?"

These words hit Li Wanqing's heart, and for a moment, she felt ashamed.

Liang Ruqi sneered and turned to leave.

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