“Stop.” Li Wanqing suddenly shouted sharply.

Liang Ruqi stopped and turned around.

“Hey, sister-in-law, do you have anything else to do?” she asked with a smile on her face.

"Let me ask you, why do you always have photos of Shen Mei, Zhu Zhibiao, and that man hooking up?" Li Wanqing asked with a sullen face.

"Sister-in-law, what you said is very strange. If people don't know that she seduces men so blatantly, why can't I know about it unless she doesn't do anything? Moreover, I gave you the news in time after I knew it. I can't bear it. Yours." Liang Ruqi shrugged with a strange smile.

Li Wanqing sneered: "Most of the reason why Shen Ning is so miserable now is due to amnesia. The reason why she has amnesia is because of you and Rao Yajing. Let me tell you, don't think that you can take the blame for Rao Yajing's imprisonment." However, there are some things that cannot be offset. Let me warn you, if you behave more appropriately in the future, considering that we are all relatives, I can still leave. Otherwise, the old and new grudges will be settled together."

"Sister-in-law, look at what you said. I admit that Ya Jing is not friendly enough to Shen Ning and did something like that to her. I also criticized her before, but she couldn't listen. Now she has got the response. There is some retribution. She is imprisoned and is being punished. Her debt has been repaid. Please don’t use this as an excuse in the future. She is imprisoned as a result of the law. If you continue to struggle, that is Now that you are questioning the judiciary, if you still can't figure it out, you can go to the judicial authorities to argue. I will not accept your warnings anymore, because I have lost my wife, my son has lost his wife, and my grandchildren have lost their mommy. This is enough for me."

Liang Ruqi finished speaking gloomily in one breath, with a flash of hatred in her eyes, and turned around and left.

Li Wanqing was so angry that she clenched her fists.

“Madam, are you okay?” Sister Wang happened to pass by and saw Li Wanqing looking bad and shaky, so she immediately came up to support her and asked with concern.

Li Wanqing sat down on the sofa and shook her head.

“Madam, Liang Ruqi is jealous of you, just ignore her.” Sister Wang advised.

"Hey, I can think of her as a dog or an animal, but Ning Ning was tricked by her, and it is Ning Ning who suffers." Li Wanqing was very painful.

Shen Ning was thrown down the back hill by someone sent by Rao Yajing. She almost died and lost her memory. On the surface, it was Rao Yajing who did it, but Li Wanqing knew in her heart that no matter how ruthless Rao Yajing was, she could not defeat Liang Ruqi. These conspiracies and tricks In all likelihood, it was Liang Ruqi's idea. However, she was cunning and got away, leaving all the blame to Rao Yajing. Based on this alone, Li Wanqing could not forgive Liang Ruqi.

Seeing that she is now at large, she really wants to find out the matter and put her in jail.

 But the old lady held her back and begged her to forget it.

Liang Ruqi is also the old lady's daughter-in-law, and she is from the Li family. She doesn't want to deepen the hatred between her relatives. After all, she has already lost Li Jinchang and Li Xuemei. She doesn't want to lose her relatives again, so she can escape if she can.

Li Wanqing agreed for the sake of the old lady. In addition, during that time she mistakenly thought that Shen Ning was having an affair with Zhu Qixiong and that man behind her son's back. She was upset and didn't want to care about it.

 But things are different now, Shen Ning was harmed so miserably again.

After understanding the truth, she couldn't stand it anymore, and her desire to bring Liang Ruqi to justice emerged.

  And, most importantly.

Liang Ruqi could properly send her the ambiguities between Shen Mei and those men every time. She was already wondering whether Liang Ruqi was involved in Lan Feiyun and Shen Mei's sinful affair.

 This is never a good thing!

If Liang Ruqi is really involved, will anything bad happen later? This realization made her very nervous!

 She must protect Shen Ning!

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