Perhaps she was thinking about it during the day and dreaming about it at night. During this period, Liang Ruqi often dreamed of Rao Yajing, either crying to her or wanting to kill her.

She was in constant panic all day long.

What frightened her most was that she was worried that Rao Yajing would not be able to withstand the torture in prison and would betray her and turn her in. In this case, she would not be able to escape prison.

 After a while, she turned on the bedside lamp.

 The light disperses the darkness.

She wiped her sweat with a tissue, her mood gradually stabilized, and her eyes were once again shrouded in hatred.

It is reported that Lan Feiyun fell into the sea and drowned this time, and was kicked out by Shen Mei.

 I never expected that this vicious mother and daughter would kill each other and die like this.

 Actually, she is very relieved!

Because Lan Feiyun and her daughter had not listened to her orders for a long time. They thought they could replace Shen Ning by having plastic surgery to look like Shen Ning, and finally buried themselves!

Originally, if Lan Feiyun could listen to her arrangements and cooperate with her actions, they could have succeeded. Unfortunately, they were too greedy and disrupted all her plans.

God is really wise and allowed this disgusting mother and daughter to receive the lunch box. It couldn't be better.


 What to do next, she didn’t know.

After this difficulty, Shen Ning's position in the Li family will only become more and more stable and irreplaceable. It will definitely be more difficult to defeat her again.

Her fingers gripped the quilt tightly, and the hatred in her eyes became heavier and heavier.

 Early in the morning the next day.

"Ji Mingshou, when will my cousin sister-in-law wake up?" Li Jiaojiao came to the hospital early in the morning. Ji Qingshan was discussing Shen Ning's condition with Professor Daville. She rushed in directly. asked sharply.

Ji Qingshan's face turned dark when he looked up and saw her.

 “I’m at work, please get out.” He shouted in a low voice.

"No, I have to know when my cousin-in-law will wake up." Li Jiaojiao crossed her arms across her chest, smiled, and even gave him a wink. Ji Qingshan was speechless.

 At this time, Professor Davell looked at Li Jiaojiao and then looked at Ji Qingshan.

“Professor Ji, is she your girlfriend?” he asked with a smile.

"No..." Ji Qingshan was about to deny it when he saw Li Jiaojiao snap her fingers, smile at Professor Davell, and say in fluent English: "HI, Professor Davell, hello, welcome to the Imperial Capital!"

Professor Davell was stunned, looked at this beautiful little girl, and asked: "Do you know me?"

"Of course, in the United States, who doesn't know the famous Professor David? He is a famous brain expert." Li Jiaojiao replied casually.

Professor Davell was stunned. The little girl in front of him was not only beautiful, but also enthusiastic and cheerful. She had the charm of an oriental beauty. She was also frank and straightforward, which suited him very well. His eyes suddenly brightened: "Have you been to the United States?"

"Yes." Li Jiaojiao smiled with her small white teeth, "I am studying at Deren University, and the semester will start next month."

“Oh, that’s right. It’s a world-famous girls’ school.” Professor David became even more interested, “Are you paying for it at public expense?”

"No, I got in." Although Li Jiaojiao is willful and unreliable, she is talented and has a good eye for things. Although she did not study well, she can still get into an excellent university.

"That's great." Professor Davell gave her a thumbs up without hesitation, "What's your surname, Miss?"

“My surname is Li, Lixi Fashion is my family’s brand.” Li Jiaojiao replied proudly.

“Wow, that brand is very good. Several of our colleagues like it very much. Look, I’m wearing it now. It’s good, not bad.” Professor Daville praised it repeatedly.

The two chatted like old friends, but Ji Qingshan was left aside.

Professor Davel is not very old, only in his thirties. He is calm and mature, has rich professional knowledge, and is very gentleman.

 Li Jiaojiao actually became more and more interested in talking to him, and she felt as if she had met him too late.

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