"Cough, cough." Ji Qingshan cleared his voice with a dark face and said coldly, "Li Jiaojiao, Professor David and I are discussing issues at work. You keep saying that you are studying at Duren University. Is this the case? Are the students educated by prestigious schools with your quality in mind?"

Li Jiaojiao hesitated and rolled her eyes at him: "Professor Daville doesn't care, why are you so blind? It's not like you alone are responsible for your cousin's treatment. Let me ask what's wrong?"

Ji Qingshan’s face turned darker.

"Forget it, Professor Davell, I won't disturb you anymore, we will talk when we have time." Li Jiaojiao turned around and smiled charmingly at Professor Davell, "I hope you can treat your cousin's illness as soon as possible and let her Wake up."

“Don’t worry, Miss Li, I will definitely do my best.” David nodded diligently.

"Thank you, Professor Davell." Li Jiaojiao smiled sweetly, raised her hand, and patted Professor Davell directly on the shoulder.

 “You’re welcome.” Professor Davell instantly relaxed and smiled brightly.

 “Okay, bye.” Li Jiaojiao said goodbye and walked out.

 It wasn’t until her figure disappeared that Professor Davell withdrew his eyes.

"Professor Ji, this girl is cheerful, lively, straightforward, beautiful and generous. She is my type." He looked back, still not satisfied, "Are you sure she is not your girlfriend?"

"No." Ji Qingshan replied angrily, "I'm not familiar with her."

 “That’s great, I can go after her.” Professor Davell was very happy.

“Just a crazy girl.” Ji Qingshan curled his lips disdainfully.

“NO, you don’t know how to appreciate it. This kind of woman is the most innocent and interesting.” Professor Davell shook his head.

 Next, they began to continue discussing Shen Ning's condition. Li Zhenting sent Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao to the kindergarten early in the morning.

“Daddy, we have to stay with mommy after school today.” At the gate of the kindergarten, Xiaoxiao got out of the car and stood outside the car window and spoke to Li Zhenting.

 “We want it too.” Coco and Ding Ding also spoke at the same time.

"Okay." Looking at the expectant eyes of the children, Li Zhenting nodded, "You should listen to the teacher carefully in kindergarten, so that mommy will be happy and wake up early."

“Don’t worry, we will do it.” The three little ones agreed in unison.

“You’re so good, you go to school.” Li Zhenting gave the three little ones a thumbs up.

 Three little ones walked in a row towards the gate.

Li Zhenting drove to the Li Group first with a heavy heart.

"Mr. Li, one of these two special guards is named Li Xiaohua and the other is Xu Mingzhen. They are both from Imperial City. The police found eight sleeping pills with different ingredients in Xixi and Beibei's room. After they were taken away by the police, The bureau admitted it frankly. Fortunately, Miss Biao discovered it early, otherwise, the children would be in danger." In the President's Office, as soon as Li Zhenting sat down, Lengxue hurried in and told him the situation in detail.

"Damn it." A terrifying cold light burst out in Li Zhenting's eyes, "Based on this situation, how many years can they be sentenced?" "I guess seven or eight years is no problem." Lengxue replied, "However, one of Li Xiaohua's uncles is A relatively well-known lawyer in the imperial capital is currently active, and he may be able to reduce his sentence."

"Tsk." Li Zhenting sneered disdainfully, "Go and deal with it immediately, revoke that lawyer's lawyer's license, and make it impossible for him to survive in the imperial capital. Also, those two special guards must suffer in prison, and they must not be easy and cheap. If they dare to harm my children, Li Zhenting, I will make their life worse than death and regret it to the core of their bones."

"Mr. Li, don't worry, I'll do it right away." Lengxue smiled tacitly and retreated.

Li Zhenting's fingers tapped on the table, he was happy, Beibei was so young, and let such a vicious woman give sleeping pills, I really shamed the children!

He was heartbroken and called the relevant executives over. He gave instructions about the past few days and hurried to the hospital.

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