"Come on, Professor Davel, let's clink glasses. This red wine has been collected by my cousin for many years." Li Jiaojiao took out another bottle of red wine, opened it, filled a glass for Davel, and pointed at him The glass was raised.

Daville was so happy that he raised his glass and drank with her.

“Hey, my aunt finally has a man chasing her.” Ding Ding sighed as he watched the two of them drinking and chatting.

Li Zhenting's heart has always been shrouded in excitement.

Shen Ning woke up today. Although she fell asleep immediately, it meant that she was not far from being truly awake.

 This is really good news.

He was eating with the children. When he heard Ding Ding say something like this, he glanced at Professor Davell and Li Jiaojiao who were drinking and chatting, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

  Unexpectedly, Professor Davell would be interested in Li Jiaojiao.

 Professor Davell is a famous medical expert and has a good family background. If Li Jiaojiao can marry him, it may not be a bad thing!

 The next day.

After Li Zhenting sent the children to kindergarten early in the morning, he rushed to the ward.

 Professor Davell said Shen Ning might wake up again at any time.

 He couldn't let go of such a good opportunity.

 He has to keep an eye on Shen Ning all the time, waiting for her to wake up again and witness them recognizing each other.

 In Shen Ning's heart, he has always been a special existence. He wants her to be the first person she sees when she wakes up. Let her be as attached to him and love him as before, so that he can see his own value.

To his regret, Shen Ning did not wake up until 4:30 in the afternoon.

 Four thirty in the afternoon.

"Daddy, has mommy woken up?" Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao San Xiao rushed in carrying small schoolbags and asked in a coquettish voice as soon as they came in. Li Zhenting touched their heads and said warmly: "Not yet, don't worry, your mommy will wake up soon."

"Okay." The three little ones gathered in front of Shen Ning a little disappointed. One of them beat her shoulders, one massaged her head, and the other grabbed her hand and shouted in unison: "Mommy, Mommy, hurry up." wake up."

 Shen Ning still didn't respond.

"Mommy, can you hear us as we talk to you?" Xiaoxiao climbed onto the bed and said in Shen Ning's ear.

Shen Ning seemed to have had a heavy sleep, her whole body ached, but her head gradually became clearer, and it was no longer as heavy as before.

She didn't know where she was, but she felt a chirping voice calling by her ears, and her heart beat involuntarily.

 Child, child!

Some more pictures came to her mind. They were all children's immature faces, and they were all opening their mouths to call her mommy.

Thinking about it, she once took Xiaoxiao and Coco to live alone in the United States. Those years were so hard. Taking care of the children as both a father and a mother was so difficult and profound. It was completely in my heart. It left a deep mark on her heart.

  Once, she fell ill due to overwork. She lay in bed with a high fever. She didn't have a grain of rice for several days and nights.

The children stayed by her side and called her from time to time: "Mommy, are you hungry? Get up and have some porridge, please."

 The children's tender voices tugged at her heart. It was such a painful feeling!

"Mommy, are you hungry? Get up and drink some porridge." At this time, Xiaoxiao was lying next to her in the ward and shouted loudly.

 It’s her, her children!

Shen Ning was trembling all over and opened her eyes suddenly.

A young and tender face appeared in front of me. The little girl's pink face, **** and bright grape-like eyes, tall nose, and delicate facial features looked familiar.

 She looked straight at her.

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