"Mommy, Mommy, I'm Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, don't you recognize me?" Xiaoxiao was startled when she met Shen Ning's eyes, and then she was so surprised that she shouted loudly.

Shen Ning's eyes gradually became brighter and duller.

"Mommy, Mommy." At this time, Coco and Dingding heard Xiao Xiao's shout and quickly gathered around. Sure enough, Mommy opened her eyes again and was looking at Xiao Xiao. They shouted loudly.

 “Mommy, I am Keke.”

 “Mommy, I’m Ding Ding.”

 The two little guys rushed to introduce themselves, their dark eyes shining brightly.

 Shen Ning's eyes moved towards them.

“Mommy, we love you so much.” The three little guys were extremely excited, and their milky shouts filled the whole room.

Shen Ning looked at them, a smile gradually forming on her lips.

 “Yeah, Mommy smiled, Mommy smiled.” The little guys cheered.

"Ning Ning." Li Zhenting ran in from outside. He had just gone to the nurse station to get medical alcohol. Unexpectedly, Shen Ning woke up just after leaving. He quickly ran towards the room, shouting excitedly as he ran.

Sure enough, Shen Ning had opened her eyes and was looking at the children with her soft and bright eyes.

“Ning Ning, you’re awake, it’s great.” He was so excited that he shouted loudly.

But after shouting several times, Shen Ning turned her eyes slightly to look at him, then turned back to the children's faces and never looked at him again.

This time, she woke up for seven or eight minutes, then got tired and fell asleep again.

 She happened to fall asleep when Ji Qingshan and Professor Davel rushed over.

“Hurry, help me take a look. Ning Ning is awake. She has been awake for several minutes and seems to be smiling.” Li Zhenting was so excited that he held Professor Davell’s hand.

"Okay, don't get excited." Professor Davell came up to examine Shen Ning. During this period, it seemed that his actions woke her up. Her eyebrows furrowed, as if she was unhappy.

“Congratulations, Mr. Li, my wife has indeed woken up.” Professor Davell put away the stethoscope and congratulated Li Zhenting. "Then when will she be able to speak and communicate like a normal person?" Li Zhenting asked impatiently.

"Mr. Li, take your time. After all, the patient is weak. I will give her some nutrients now to help her recover." Professor Davell smiled, "Everything has to go through a process. Don't be too anxious. "

 “Okay, thank you.” Li Zhenting had never been so happy, his cheeks turned red.

 Professor Davell immediately prescribed the medicine.

Li Zhenting took the medicine order and was about to call the nurse when Professor David suddenly asked: "Mr. Li, is Li Jiaojiao your cousin?"


“Yes, she is very good.” Professor Davell actually gave him a thumbs up, “Can I chase her?”

Li Zhenting was stunned: "Of course."

“That’s great, cousin, please help me.” Professor David suddenly patted Li Zhenting on the shoulder and actually called him cousin.

Li Zhenting couldn’t laugh or cry for a moment.

However, it is a good thing to have a man chasing Li Jiaojiao.

"Professor Davell, you can pursue her, but you must not play with and deceive her feelings." He looked serious.

"Don't worry, it won't happen. I am a gentleman." Professor Davell was as happy as a child.

Li Zhenting was still concerned about Shen Ning's condition and didn't have time to care about it. He just took the medicine list and went to see the nurse.

 Not long after, the nurse gave Shen Ning nutrient solution.

Li Zhenting was guarding her carefully, showing love every bit.

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